Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday, Feb. 25

Up around 7:30 on this cool and cloudy morning, but skipped my exercises, because I had a lot of things to do to get ready for a trip to Son and Daughter-in-Law's house tomorrow for a family gathering.

Mother came over mid-morning and put together a pot of potato soup...Hubbie had peeled the potoatoes and then sliced them in the food processor before Mother arrived.

I spent the morning gathering stuff we'll need to take with us tomorrow, as well as making phone set a haircut appointment for Sis for when she visits next week, to Mother's and my friend to set a lunch date next week (she and our other friend, who will visit from a town about an hour away, want to treat Mother for her birthday), and to Hubbie's sister, who wanted to know what to get Mother for her birthday. I suggested stickers and such for making greeting cards...things that would be easy for Mother to handle.

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran the bread store for hamburger buns, to the WDCS for last-minute groceries, and to the barbecue restaurant for pulled pork and sauce, all for the gathering tomorrow.

Back home, after we put the groceries away, we decided to go back to the college to see how the Tibetan monks were progressing on the sand painting. They were working on the border, but had quite a bit of painstaking work to do yet to complete it.

At home, I posted some of the images I took at the college to my social network page. By then, it was suppertime. We enjoyed small portions of the barbecue, along with coleslaw and baked potatoes.

Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I watched TV, including the 2001, PG-13 movie, "The Cat's Meow," starring Kirsten Dunst, Cary Elwes, and Edward Hermann. The movie is based on the story of a murder that occurred aboard William Randolph Hearst's yacht in 1924, during a gathering of stars for a weekend outing. It's said that no satisfying account of what really happened ever reached the public.