Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, Feb. 22

I was up by 7 a.m. this morning, but skipped my exercises in order to get ready to go to the doctor for a routine exam and blood work. Since the blood work was a fasting lab, I couldn't eat or drink after midnight. The only fluid I took this morning was just enough water to swallow medications.

I arrived at the clinic just before my 9 a.m. appointment time, but it was around 9:15 before I was taken back. Today, besides the usual weight check, pulse rate, and blood pressure exams, I was also measured for height (I haven't shrunk).

Once the nurse was done with her tasks, I waiting in the exam room for what seemed an endless time, with my stomach grumbling more and more with each passing minute.

After examining me and pronouncing me in excellent health, the doctor ordered a tetanus shot for me, since it'd been more than ten years since I'd had one. After what seemed another endless time, the nurse came back to give me the shot. I was then sent down the hall to produce a urine specimen and get blood work done.

I remarked that it was odd that I'd be asked not to take in any fluids after midnight, yet still be expected to produce a urine specimen. However, I managed it...a little.

The blood draw wasn't fun, because the phlebotomist didn't succeed on the first try, despite rooting around in my arm in an attempt to find a vein. But that didn't deter her. She withdrew the needle, got another one, and went at it again. Thank goodness, she succeeded this time.

Finally, and gladly, I was ready to leave the clinic at 10 a.m. I arrived home around fifteen minutes later, hungry as a bear. Breakfast tasted wonderful, though it was my usual orange juice and Cheerios with banana and milk. Today, I added a half bagel with light cream cheese, and a cup of coffee.

Because I had breakfast so late, I didn't eat lunch. So while Hubbie and Mother enjoyed theirs, I made a pot of tomato soup for supper. Mother kept an eye on the simmering soup, while Hubbie and I ran errands...to the bank, to the pharmacy, to two of the dollar stores, to the WDCS, and to the Caring Hands office, where I dropped off photos of Hubbie and me, and Mother and Dad. One of the volunteers is getting married in March, and the staff thought it would be nice to decorate the office bulletin board with snapshots of staff/volunteer weddings, or if not wedding photos, then any snapshot of them with their spouses.

Back home, Mother and I relaxed for the rest of the afternoon, while Hubbie did this and that around the house and yard.

The tomato soup, with grilled cheese sandwiches, was delicious for supper. Afterward, we went to the college about a mile down the road from our house to attend an artist's reception. One of the ladies who serves with me on the arts council visual arts committee is also an art instructor at the college, and she currently has an exhibit in the library gallery.

The artist is exhibiting 35 watercolor paintings of buildings and scenes she and three other women saw on a driving trip several years ago of the length of old Route 66 from our state to California. The paintings of desert scenery, abandoned buildings (like old diners and gas stations) and vegetation (like cactus and thistle in bloom) are very interesting. Some of the buildings shown appeared in the movie, "The Grapes of Wrath," she said.

Mother and I could relate to the scenes, since we, too, traveled the same route when I was a youngster. At that time, the businesses were thriving. Now, many of the buildings are crumbling, or if still standing strong, just look lonely and overgrown with vegetation.

Before leaving, we indulged in refreshments. Most contained yellow dye, so I stuck with a couple of chocolate chip cookies. Mother had lemon cookies, and a slice of yellow pound cake. She also brought home a slice of cake and a cookie to have as a snack tomorrow night.

Several people we know attended the reception, so we enjoyed visiting. We were home by about 6:30. Mother went home, and Hubbie and I settled in front of TV.