Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday, March 25

Up late this morning, around 8:30, but did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. Mother came over mid-morning, and we planned the menu for next week and made a grocery list.

Didn't accomplish much else before lunch. After lunch, Hubbie and I ran the hydroponic farm to get grape and slicing tomatoes, to the WDCS to shop for groceries for the menu, to the gas station, and to a vet clinic to pick up vitamins for Shih Tzu.

Back home, Mother worked on her jigsaw puzzle, Hubbie worked in the yard, and I just did this and that for the afternoon.

For supper, we had pancakes and scrambled egg substitute. Mother, who began feeling nauseated around 4 p.m., ate only one small pancake, spread with a little margarine. She went home right after supper, saying she wasn't up to going to a film festival event tonight. I had gotten her a ticket, since this was the one event of the festival that she wanted to attend.

Around 6:30, Hubbie and I went to the college down the road from our house to attend the screening of the German 1927 sci-fi silent movie, "Metropolis," with sound effects music by a group who specialize in silent movie accompaniment. The film was long, at two and a half hours, but the time passed quickly because the movie is so intriguing.

"Metropolis" was way ahead of its time in the construction of a futuristic city of splendor in 2026, and science laboratory effects (which remind the viewer of the laboratory for the movie, "Frankenstein's Monster"). Many modern sci-fi films, like "Blade Runner," and "A Space Odyssey," took their cue from this movie.

Back home, I went to Mother's house to check on her, but she was sound asleep on her couch, so I didn't bother her. I'll check on her again first thing in the morning.