Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday, March 29

March is almost over, and when it goes, I hope it takes this cold weather with it. What a dark, rainy, dreary day. Mother felt positively in the dumps today. She desperately needs some sunshine to perk her up.

I was up late this morning, but did a treadmill session and weights exercises after breakfast. After I was ready for the day, Hubbie and I ran errands...to the pharmacy, and to the WDCS for incidentals and groceries for Mother and ourselves.

We got back home around 12:30. After lunch, Mother and I made a recipe of Waldorf salad so I could use some grapes that were getting past prime. Mother loves to chop veggies and fruits, so I set her to work...I think it helped lift her mood to be productively occupied.

We made the salad with chopped apples and celery, and halved grapes (both green and black), plus golden raisins, and broken walnuts. We added to the fruit mixture a teaspoon of lemon juice, and three-quarter cup of plain yogurt combined with a little cinnamon.

After that, we relaxed and watched a couple of programs I'd recorded on DVR. One was a show about the best in films, according to a poll. As always, the people voted "Gone with the Wind," as the number one movie. Categories included musicals, action, animated features, etc. Interestingly, among the top five most popular movie kisses was the one between Lady and the Tramp, but the kiss between Rhett and Scarlett topped the list. "The Sound of Music" is still the musical people love the most. And "Silence of the Lambs" makes our spines tingle, while "Airplane" tickles our funny bone. "Star Wars" is number one for sci-fi.

Then we watched a musical of "Les Miserable," from the PBS channel. This was a stage production presented like a readers theater, in which actors in costume sang their parts lined up at microphones. Entrances and exits were the only movements in the production. We had time to watch only about half of it before supper. So we'll continue it tomorrow, or at the first down-time opportunity.

For supper, we had Salisbury steaks, with sauteed potatoes made from leftover baked potatoes, and a choice of spinach or green beans. Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I continued watching TV.

Tonight, we watched the 2009, R-rated movie, "The Book of Eli," starring Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, and Jennifer Beals. Eli (Washington) is in a post apocalyptic America. He wanders through the wasteland carrying the last copy of a sacred book that contains the secrets for saving mankind. Of course a warlord wants the book,so Eli is forced into conflict to protect it.