Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday, May 29

Flew the American flag today in honor of the Memorial Day weekend. Did the same yesterday, as we will tomorrow, the actual holiday. Hope everyone is having a good weekend and enjoying summer foods and activities, while remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice to assure our freedom to celebrate.

Today is Granddaughter's birthday. Happy Birthday, Granddaughter!

Slept late today, until after 8 a.m., but did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. I usually skip my exercises on Sunday, but since I missed a session yesterday, I felt that I should make up for it today.

Mother came over mid-morning, but we didn't accomplish a lot beyond our usual Sunday morning routine. She worked on her jigsaw puzzle for a while, before we had a lunch of leftover beef hash, topped with fried eggs, and served with toast and jelly.

Mother went home afterward to get her clothes ready for an upcoming camping trip. I also washed a couple of loads of clothes and ironed some others. Hubbie went out to work in the yard for a while.

Later, after a light supper, we all went to a local college, where the arts council sponsored an outdoor movie..."Field of Dreams," a 1989 film, starring Kevin Costner. This is a classic film, seen by most everyone, I suspect, about an Iowa corn farmer who hears voices and interprets them to mean that he is commanded to build a baseball diamond in his fields. He does, and the Chicago Black Sox come.

Bad news: yesterday, we learned that a three-year-old great-nephew broke his leg while playing in the swimming pool. This is the second youngster in our family to break a leg...the first was a great-grandson of about the same age.

This is the second major injury to Great-Nephew. He nearly cut his upper lip off with a pair of scissors recently. I've always heard that boys must get seven scars before they can become a man. I think Great-Nephew is aiming for all seven before he reaches the age of seven!

Note: well, we did indeed go to the college to see the outdoor movie, "Field of Dreams," but due to multiple glitches it wasn't shown. First, someone had taken down the frame for the large canvas screen, so the screen was strung across the back door of the fine arts center, where the bottom of it flapped in the breeze, and was partially blocked by an iron railing.

Then, the three ladies who set up the movie found they needed to move the table that the DVR was on closer to the screen. When it still wasn't close enough at the bottom of the steps, they lifted the table up several steps, where they tilted it, allowing the DVR to go crashing to the concrete.

Fortunately, the DVR did not break. But try as they did (for about twenty minutes), they simply could not get the speakers to work. They finally gave up, apologized, and advised the ten or so of us in attendance that the evening was a bust, but they would schedule this movie for another time, and asked that we please return in two weeks for a showing of "Back to the Future."

That movie doesn't really appeal to us, so we will probably wait until the movie following that one..."Mama Mia." There will also be a showing of "Blind Side," which Hubbie and I have seen, but might want to see again, and "Secretariat," which Hubbie and I have also seen. Mother hasn't seen either of these, though.

The rest of the series consists mainly of animated features, which Hubbie is not fond of.

One thing we noticed tonight is that the mosquitoes are out in full force already. I'm thinking (and dreading) that all the rain we've had has made for a magnificent breeding opportunity for these terrible pests.

Since we couldn't see the outdoor movie, we watched one on TV instead..."Criminal Intent," a 2005 Lifetime Movie Network feature. A woman is killed, and her husband is accused of the murder. The woman's best friend, who was a defense lawyer, but is now a divorce lawyer, is asked by the husband to defend him.