Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday, May 31

Last day of May. Can't believe how fast the month passed, though I'm glad to see it gone after the tornadoes that decimated much of Tuscaloosa and Joplin, and even caused damage in our state. This has been the worst spring in memory for tornadoes and floods. Now the heat's on. We seemed to have bypassed pleasant spring weather and jumped right into summer.

All the rain has made for positively lush vegetation, though. We noticed while traveling to another town to visit Hubbie's relatives last Saturday that wildflowers were growing in clustered abundance among the rocks on the hillside along the road leading up the mountain.

Queen Anne's Lace, Common Vetch, Showy Evening Primrose, Black-Eyed Susan, Pale Purple Cone Flower, Ox-Eye Daisies, and Field Thistle shared space. Along pasture fences grew fragrant Honeysuckle, and white and pink wild Roses.

Our yard, too, is host to grass growing faster than Hubbie can mow it, as well as flourishing flowers and veggie garden plants. Clematis grows thick and blooming on posts, early Lillie's are opening, and tiny tomatoes are showing in the garden.

We were up around 7:30 this morning, and I did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. Mother came over while I was getting ready for the day, but there wasn't much for her to do here.

The first thing Hubbie discovered this morning was that one of the upstairs bathroom scatter rugs was missing after we'd washed them at the laundry yesterday. I was the one to take all the rugs out of the washing machine, so if one was missing, it was my fault.

I asked Hubbie to go immediately to the laundry mat to see if the rug was there, though I figured if someone found it, they would probably keep it. Since I was convinced that the rug was lost and gone, I began plotting to buy a new set when we get back from camping, use the old ones in the camper, and then donate the very old ones that were already in the camper to the Humane Society.

But when Hubbie got back, he confessed that he soon found the missing rug, hanging on the railing of Mother's back steps...right where he put it when we got back from the laundry!

We had a good laugh and then busied ourselves gathering stuff for the camper until lunchtime. For lunch, I fixed Mother a fried egg sandwich. Hubbie and I opted to stop by a fast food restaurant for ice cream frosty drinks as our lunch, before we went to the WDCS for last-minute groceries for the trip.

Later, for supper, we had Long Soup, a Chinese recipe that calls for a chicken soup base, to which is added fresh ginger, soy sauce, sliced green onions, shredded cabbage, and a package of Ramen noodles. Biscuits and honey accompanied the meal.

Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I watched a movie called "The Hollow," a silly modern version of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. In this one, a young man named Ian Cranston is the last relative of Ichabod Crane, and he must try to save the town and his girlfriend from a sword-wielding headless horseman. It's typical teen horror film fare, wherein the evil force picks the teens off one by one. Stacy Keach, Judge Reinhold, Eileen Brennan, and Joe Mazzello try to lend credibility (and sometimes humor) to this bit of nonsense.

The second feature we watched was the 2004 suspense film, "Fatal Lessons/The Good Teacher," from Lifetime Movie Network. A woman makes friends with her daughter's teacher, and then things go downhill from there.