Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, August 24

Woke up at 4:30 a.m. to a severe thunderstorm that eventually caused a brief power outage. We went back to sleep, and didn't wake again until around 7:30, when another thunderstorm was in progress. Because of the power outage, the alarm clock didn't go off at 6:30, the time when I would have ordinarily gotten up to get ready to go to water aerobics. It was just as well, since storms kept rolling through all morning, and I don't do water aerobics or treadmill sessions in thunderstorms.

So I went ahead and got ready for the day and then buzzed Mother to let her know I was up and around. She and Sis came over, and Mother started a pot of chicken stewing for noodle soup.

In the meantime, I put on a new pair of black slacks, and Sis pinned up a hem on one leg. Now I need to work on stitching the hems (not my favorite task). I rarely buy a pair of slacks that aren't several inches too long for my barely 5 foot 3 inch height.

Later, I finished preparing the pot of chicken noodle soup, which we had for lunch with toasted thin bagels topped with melted slices of cheese, and fresh fruit for dessert (peaches, grapes, and cherries).

Because it was such a dark and rainy morning, Mother felt gloomy. So I suggested we watch the feel-good movie musical, "Mama Mia." This seemed to be exactly what she wanted to do. We've seen this movie several times, most recently a few weeks ago at the arts council outdoor movie event. But we never tire of watching it.

While we watched the movie, Hubbie ran errands, including to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription, to deliver the word search puzzle contest to the newspaper, and to pick up groceries at the WDCS.

Hubbie returned home just as the movie was ending. By this time, the sun began shining, which also helped lift Mother's spirits.

Around this time, too, Sis decided she needed to head out on her two hour trip home. Mother went to her house after Sis left, and Hubbie and I spent the rest of the day and evening vegging.

Tonight we watched the 2007 Lifetime Movie Network remake of "Sybil," starring Jessica Lange and Tammy Blanchard. This movie is based on a true story of a woman, Shirley Ardell Mason, who developed sixteen distinct personalities after suffering an abusive childhood.

The second feature we watched was the 2009 movie, "2012," in which sun flares cause a global cataclysm. The world as we know it ends. It's up to a handful of survivors to bravely carry on.