Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday, September 3

Up around 7:30, and did a treadmill session and resistance exercises after breakfast. Mother came over while I was exercising. I was in no great hurry to get ready for the day, so I just frittered away the morning, as Mother and I visited.

The mail this morning brought a notice from my doctor's office saying the result of my blood work shows everything's normal, thank goodness.

Finally, I hit the shower and dressed, just about in time for lunch. After lunch, I checked to see when the movie, "Help," will be playing in another town. I learned recently, that our movie theater will not be showing the film. The other town, though, scheduled matinee showings for today, tomorrow, and Monday at 1:45.

We think Monday will be a good day to go see the movie. So I called our friend (one of the two we met for lunch last Thursday) to invite her to go along with us. She returned my call later to decline the invitation, because she is hosting an end-of-the-summer indoor picnic for some of her friends on that day.

She and our other friend have read the book and declare it to be wonderful. One friend asked, "Do you read?" What she meant, I think, was do I read the most recent bestsellers as soon as they come out. Well, not necessarily. I don't like paying full price for books, and would rather wait until they go on sale, or until I can borrow a copy.

I'll want to read it eventually, even after I see the movie, but I haven't decided whether to buy it in paperback or e-reader form. One of the drawbacks to e-readers, I think, is sharing books.

Anyway, I have a large collection of books gotten at book sales and yard sales. And now I have several in my e-reader, as well. So I never run out of books to read...I just read whatever strikes my fancy at the moment

Later, I made a marinade to use on country ribs. The ribs were meant for our Labor Day meal, but we have decided to have them tomorrow, and then serve them again on Monday for lunch, before we go to the movie. We plan to have steamed squash and potatoes, as well as coleslaw, with the meal tomorrow, and again on Monday.

Spent the rest of the afternoon doing some laundry and other household chores until around 3 p.m., when we watched a detective show from the public channel. We followed this with a Lifetime Channel movie, "Deadly Sibling Rivalry." A woman has an evil twin, who, when they are both in an auto accident that critically injures her sister, tries to suffocate her with a pillow, putting her into a comatose state. She then takes over her sister's life, even carrying the scheme so far as to kill a friend who threatens to betray her. The comatose woman's daughter, though, soon becomes suspicious.

Supper tonight was week-in-review leftovers. Mother went home afterward, and Hubbie and I settled in to listen to the radio as our favorite college football team played to a wide-margin win in their first game of the season.