Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday, Sept. 4

Slept late this morning, until around 8 a.m. Skipped my exercises after breakfast. Mother came over around 9 a.m. and cut up squash and potatoes for the steamer. Hubbie put color in my hair in anticipation of a haircut appointment Tuesday.

Once I was ready for the day, I went to the kitchen to help Mother with lunch preparations. Found that she was feeling woozy and needed to sit down. I finished the task of getting the country ribs ready for the oven.

Also sat on the floor and comforted our old Shih Tzu. Hubbie had to bandage one of her front legs, because a lump had opened and bled all over his pants legs when he took her out to the yard. Shih Tzu was very uncomfortable after she was bandaged, and so I stroked her head as she finally lay down to sleep.

Otherwise, it was Sunday as usual. The barbecued country ribs, steamed squash and potatoes, and coleslaw for lunch were very tasty. Mother opted to eat the veggies only, though, and skip the ribs. She wasn't sure her stomach would tolerate them today.

Afterward, we watched a DVD movie musical..."Newsies," (1992) starring Christian Bale, Ann Margaret, Robert DuVall, and Bill Pullman. Based on the true story of the 1899 strike by newspaper boys ("newsies") against publishers Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst, when the publishers raised the distribution price one-tenth of a cent per paper.

The movie failed at the box office, and though it's a Walt Disney production, it didn't meet with parental approval, because the newsies are a bunch of street toughs, who smoke and fight, and because the event upon which the film is based has been long-forgotten.

But having been associated with newspapers for many years, the movie has relevance for me. And I'm a big fan of movie musicals. The movie seems particularly appropriate for a Labor Day weekend.

We followed that with a chiller movie called, "Nine Dead." A masked kidnapper captures nine people and handcuffs them to poles in a bunker. They are told they have something in common, and until they figure it out, one of them will be killed every ten minutes.

After the movies, I accompanied Mother to her house, and then Hubbie and I continued to waste time in front of TV.