Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday, Sept. 20

Up late this morning, around 8 a.m. Shortly after breakfast, Hubbie and I went bike riding...very nice day for this. Calves grazing near the fence of the cow pasture were startled by us, though, and fled to their mother's sides. Guess this was the first time they'd seen people on bicycles, and it didn't look natural to them. Another pasture held beautiful palomino and pinto horses that were obvously curious about the strange sight of people on bicycles. Thankfully, no dogs barked at us today. Maybe after seeing us a couple of times, they've grown bored.

Back home, once I was ready for the day, Mother came over. We didn't do anything very productive before lunch. After lunch, Hubbie and I ran errands...to the WDCS to pick up photos of Hubbie's new great-granddaughters, because family members have asked for copies, and to select a couple of pumpkins for an outdoor arrangement. Then we went to a home improvement store to buy potted mums for the arrangement.

I usually buy large pots of mums, but they were so high priced this year, that I opted for several small pots in various colors that Hubbie transferred to large pots once we returned home.

We spent the afternoon in our own activities...Hubbie in the yard, Mother mostly napping while she waited for Sis to arrive, and I reading my novel. Around 4 p.m., Mother and I started a supper of fried chicken breasts, fried okra, and mashed potatoes and gravy, with sliced tomatoes on the side.

When Sis hadn't arrived by suppertime, I checked my social network site and found that she had been delayed and would not arrive until some time after supper.

Once the kitchen was cleaned up after our meal, we went outdoors so I could arrange the fall yard decorations of a bale of straw, three large pots of mums, a couple of pumpkins, and a scarecrow.

Since it was a cool evening, we decided to fetch lawn chairs and enjoy the evening. It was pleasant, except for the mosquitoes. Sis arrived around 7 p.m., and we came indoors so she could heat helpings of the chicken dinner for her supper.

While Mother, Sis, and I visited, Hubbie watched a movie on DVR called, "The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid." This very old (1972) movie, starring Cliff Robertson and Robert Duvall, is about the gangs of Jesse James and Cole Younger, who join forces to rob a Minnesota bank, but they bungle the job.

Before the movie was over, Hubbie said he'd grown bored with it, so we watched the elimation round of "Dancing With the Stars." I correctly predicted who would be the first to go.

After watching the season premieres of "NCIS," and "Body of Proof," Mother and Sis went to Mother's house, and Hubbie and I headed to bed.