Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday, Nov. 27

Up around 7 a.m. Mother was ready to get up, too, but since her back is bothering her today, I helped her out of bed, after which she was able to use her walker to go to the bathroom.

A breakfast yuk: the first sip of my coffee brought with it some sort of flying insect, bigger than a fly but smaller than a bee. As soon as I felt it pass my lips, I spit it back into the cup. Upon inspection, I yelped then spluttered and spit some more, grabbed a napkin and furiously scrubbed my mouth and tongue. It's a mystery how the thing got into the coffee. Maybe it flew into the pot of last night's leftover brew and drowned there.

After breakfast, I helped Mother shower, and then got ready for the day myself. Then Mother went to the kitchen, where I gathered ingredients for her to make a recipe of bread stuffing.

Spent the rest of the morning doing this and that. Daughter helped Mother stroll around the house with her walker, and do resistance exercises. Later, I put the stuffing in the oven, along with the leftovers, and we had lunch around noon.

After lunch, I filled several disposable containers with Thanksgiving leftovers for Daughter to take home with her.

Mother was so discouraged about her progress, and so anxious to get back to her own home, that we bundled her up in coat hat and gloves, helped her into the wheelchair, and took her home for the afternoon.

She has been away so long that her cat was a bit shy of her, so we left, hoping the cat would soon re-bond with her.

Hubbie and I spent the afternoon watching the 2003 movie, "House of Sand and Fog," starring Jennifer Connelly and Ben Kingsley. A young woman abandoned by her husband loses the home left to her and her brother by their father. It is bought at county auction by an Iranian and his wife. When a lawyer tries to get the man to return the home to county so the woman can get it back, he insists that the county pay him three times what he paid for it. Things go from bad to worse for everyone, and finally ends tragically. An emotional roller coaster of a movie.

Around 4:30, we brought Mother back to our house. By this time, her cat didn't want her to leave, of course.

After a supper of soup and sandwiches, Mother made six trips around the house, using her walker. I think she wants to prove she is ready to go home to stay. And if she insists, I guess we'll just have to chance it and see how it works out, even if I'm edgy about it.

Later, we watched the National Dog Show that I'd recorded on DVR Thanksgiving Day. Mother was ready to go to bed after that, and I let her do it on her own. Her therapist is scheduled to come tomorrow. Maybe we'll let him visit her at her house and see how that goes.