Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday, Nov. 26

Up at 7 a.m., still coughing and with laryngitis. While I was getting ready for the day after breakfast, I heard the familiar sound of vehicles colliding. Seems some misguided person was riding a lawnmower on the highway and was clipped by a car. Fortunately, no one was injured.

Spent the rest of the morning preparing food for family, who were to arrive before lunchtime. Besides the leftovers from Thanksgiving, I fixed a big pan of sweet potatoes in margarine and brown sugar. Hubbie peeled potatoes for mashed potatoes, and later I made a pan of gravy.

Son, Daughter-in-Law, and Grandson and his wife and three children arrived first. Son and Grandson set to work immediately building the other rail onto the ramp, and laying an incline of concrete to the ramp. They guys did a great job on the's just beautiful.

Just after lunch, Granddaughter and her boyfriend arrived, and Granddaughter made a baked cranberry ring that was a real hit at lunch.

As we were clearing away lunch, Niece and her three teen children arrived. It was good to see all the family. Around 4 p.m., everyone decided they should head home. By that time it was raining and beginning to cool down.

Hubbie, Mother, Daughter, and I spent the evening watching TV. Mother retired around 6:30. Later, I asked Hubbie to call the husband of my Spanish student to tell him I won't be able to meet her Monday. I just don't think my cough and laryngitis will go away by Monday afternoon. I'll be skipping water aerobics on Monday, too.

I do not like to be stopped from my regular activities, but if I don't give myself a few days to recuperate, I'm afraid I'll get worse and won't be fit to participate in the holiday activities of the next two weekends.