Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

I woke up around 6:30 morning, still coughing and still plagued with laryngitis. When Hubbie had not come downstairs by 7 a.m., I went up and woke him up, because I needed to get breakfast underway and then prepare the turkey for the slow cooker oven.

Sis came over early, bringing cornbread dressing with her. Mother went to the kitchen and prepared bread stuffing. Hubbie peeled potatoes to be boiled later. Once I was ready for the day, I fixed deviled eggs, and did various other things related to the big meal.

While meal preparations were underway, we watched Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

Close to time for dinner, I boiled and mashed potatoes, made gravy, heated the veggies I'd fixed yesterday, and sliced the turkey. Sis was in charge of the dressings and setting the table. The table setting included a white tablecloth, overlaid with a brown one, and a centerpiece that Sis provided...a very attractive pumpkin with fall leaves. The centerpiece was one of many that had decorated her place of business, and which she rescued when the manager decided to discard them.

Plates with a brown design, yellow and orange napkins in silver rings, and water and wine stemware completed our table setting.

Daughter arrived around 11 a.m., and the feast was ready by noon. There's something about the annual Thanksgiving meal that inspires us all to stuff ourselves, though I did manage to limit myself to just one (large) serving of everything.

Sis spent the afternoon with us, and left around 5 p.m., taking helpings of the feast with her. We're hoping that family visiting Saturday will reduce the bounty considerably.

After dinner, we watched the Thanksgiving Day parade recorded from another channel, followed by a Christmas movie from the Lifetime Channel.

It was a busy day, and we were all ready to relax, doze, or in the case of Mother, retire to bed early.