Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday, Nov. 23

We wondered what was going on last night, when five police cars, an emergency rescue vehicle, and an ambulance raced by, lights flashing. Today, we learned that there had been an exchange of gunfire between a policeman and a man from a nearby community that resulted in the man being wounded. The man had fled his community and ended up at an intersection of our town that required police and emergency personnel to travel what is known as the cutoff road just down the highway from our house.

Blah! Sneezing and blowing turned to chills and fever last night. Got up around 7 a.m. just the same, and though my fever was gone, I was still sneezing and blowing. Added to that I am now coughing and have laryngitis.

After breakfast, I helped Mother shower and dress, after which I put a ham in the oven to bake and started a pan of eggs boiling.

Once I was ready for the day, I seasoned a dish of squash for the oven. When the ham had baked sufficiently, I cut a few slices of it for our lunch, which we had with yeast rolls from a local restaurant (I'd ordered the rolls last week, and Hubbie picked them up this morning). We also sampled slices of pumpkin pie.

This morning, I set the DVR for Mother to watch the finale of "Dancing with the Stars," because she was in bed last night when the show aired.

Following lunch, we watched a Hallmark Christmas movie. Just as the movie ended, around 2 p.m., Mother's therapist arrived. After her regular exercise routine, he had hoped to help her walk to her house, but it was just too cold to get out, so he's hoping Friday will be better.

Later this afternoon, Sis painted eight or nine glass ornaments for the arts council (keeping one for herself). While she did that, I ironed table clothes for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, and then I relaxed for a while, before time to prepare supper.

Supper tonight was beef hash and fried eggs (eggs fresh from Sis's chickens), with toast, jelly, and coffee. This evening, we watched "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving," on DVD. If this beloved show was scheduled on TV this season, I missed it. Also on the DVD is "The Mayflower Voyage," which is a bit more serious historical perspective of the first Thanksgiving, with Charlie Brown and the gang as pilgrims.

Around 8 p.m., we again sampled slices of pumpkin pie, while we watched one-hour shows. Soon after, Mother went to bed, and Sis went to Mother's house. Hubbie and I continued watching TV until bedtime.