Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday, Nov. 22

Up around 7 a.m., but skipped my exercises so I could get ready for the day and start right away making pies.

I began with a mincemeat pie, then did a cherry one. While those baked, Mother prepared pumpkin filling. It took most of the day to bake the six pies.

For lunch, I heated leftover gravy with beef and veggies, to be served over bread, with a side of individual cups of applesauce. Mother opted for Ramen noodle soup, as usual.

After lunch, Mother cut up the boiled potatoes, as well as an onion for making beef hash.

Sis spent her morning baking cornbread, cooking onions and celery, boiling chicken, etc., for making dressing. She also cut up several stalks of celery for the freezer that Hubbie had found on sale at one of the grocery stores. She did all these things at Mother's house.

She came to our house after lunch and kept track of the pies in the oven, while Hubbie and I ran a couple of errands related to Thanksgiving.

Back home, I started the beef hash cooking, and then found a frame and mat for a photo gift. I'd ordered the photo I wanted yesterday, which Hubbie picked up on his round of errands. But today, I discovered that the photo was unusable because there was a bend across the middle. So I had to order another photo, which I picked up today, and then framed when I got back home.

Later, we had the hash with a choice of butter beans or Lima beans. Mother, who had been up all day, was ready to go to bed around 6:30. Sis went to Mother's house as soon as Mother was abed, and Hubbie and I spent the evening watching TV, including the final episode of "Dancing with the Stars." Yay! The contestant I was rooting for won!