Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday, Nov. 25

Black Friday...folks stormed the stores in the wee hours of the morning today, but we stayed away. Even if I hadn't felt gosh-awful, I wouldn't have gone. No way do I want to stand in line for hours and then get into a crush of people to save a few bucks.

We were up at our regular 7 a.m. hour, and after breakfast, I helped Mother take a shower, since she expected a visit from her physical therapist. Once I was ready for the day, I started a pot of chicken stewing (I felt that chicken noodle soup was just what the doctor ordered for my lingering malady). Mother chopped onion, celery, and carrots for the soup.

The therapist arrived earlier than usual, around 11 a.m. He wasn't feeling up to par either, saying his head was stopped up. Since Mother woke up this morning with her back bothering her, the therapist agreed that today should be a light exercise day. And though the weather was nice enough for Mother to try to walk to her house, with the aid of her walker and the therapist, she just wasn't up to it.

After the chicken noodle soup lunch, Mother headed to her bedroom for a nap, and Daughter spent time painting a plaster Santa/reindeer totem, and Hubbie assembled the living room Christmas tree.

Once he had it assembled, I helped put several strings of light on it, and then Daughter joined us in decorating the tree. It took the three of us two hours to do this.

At 4 p.m., I put leftover lasagna (gotten from the freezer earlier) into the oven to heat for supper.

Mother finally woke up around 5 p.m., just in time for supper. We had the lasagna with canned corn, sliced tomatoes, and yeast rolls.

Afterward, Mother and Daughter watched a movie I'd recorded on DVR called, "Cool Dog." While they watched the movie, Hubbie and I went to the WDCS for a couple items...mainly to look for a new lighted star topper for the living room tree, because our old one decided not to work this year. I was pleased to find one very similar to the old one.

Back home, Mother made the short trip to the living room to see the tree, while Daughter finished watching the movie. After that, Mother was ready to retire again.

Hubbie, Daughter, and I spent the evening watching our favorite college football team play to an expected but disappointing loss. While we were not surprised that they lost, we were surprised by how wide the margin was. It was an early afternoon game that I'd recorded on DVR, so we avoided watching evening news programs, so we wouldn't know who won before we got to see the game.