Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thursday, Dec. 22

Up at 7 a.m., but I couldn't seem to get my morning started in time to do a treadmill session. Mother got up around 7:30, but complained that she was tired. She's been blah all day.

I gave her the eleventh of the the twelve-days-of-Christmas gifts...a jar of peach preserves...which I thought she might want to open for breakfast. But she did not. So Hubbie found a small jar of peach jelly in the pantry for her.

I did this and that the rest of the morning, including setting a pot of beans simmering. Mother had diced onions, carrots, and banana peppers for them.

I also spent quite a bit of time on my social network page talking with Daughter.

Watched a Michael Buble Christmas show, and a couple of animated Christmas features, and then after a lunch of leftovers, Mother's physical therapist came. Mother pushed herself through the routine, though she'd rather have skipped it today. The therapist agreed that it was tool cool and rainy for her to walk to her house.

Before the therapist left, I gave him a bucket of fruited popcorn. He said he'd probably be eating some of it as his lunch.

We spent the afternoon watching Christmas movies..."The Grinch who Stole Christmas," "Miracle on 34th Street," and the musical "Scrooge," starring Kelsey Grammer.

During the afternoon, a package arrived that Sis had ordered for Mother...a weighted pen. Mother tried it out and was amazed at how it controlled her shaky hand. She really likes the pen. She'll now be able to sign her own checks, medical forms, etc., as well as use it for letter writing and crafting.

For supper, we had the beans with a pan of potatoes with onions, and a pan of cabbage, both fried in olive oil, and slices of buttered white bread with bran from a loaf that Sis made in her bread machine. Hubbie had peeled and sliced the potatoes and shredded the cabbage in the food processor earlier, and I fried them. Around here, it takes all of us to put a meal together.

After supper, it was back to watching TV, including the movie, "Waiting Forever," a romantic drama. Mother went to bed afterward, around 8:30, and Sis went to Mother's house to spend the night.