Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday, Feb. 15

Since I didn't check my calendar Monday (snow day, so I knew that any appointments recorded would be cancelled), I failed to notice Grandson's birthday. Therefore, I failed to wish him a Happy Birthday in my Monday blog. A belated Happy Birthday, Grandson! Hope you had a good one.

Up at 6:30 this morning to get ready to go to water aerobics. But the day was rainy and miserable, and I had a tummy ache (which continued on and off through the day), so I skipped aerobics. Lazed around quite a while, before I finally got into my exercise clothes and a did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights session.

Mother wisely opted to stay home today. After lunch, I watched the first night of the Westminster Dog Show, even though I found out on the morning news which dog won. One of the new entries this year is the Xoloitzcuintli (pronounced show.lo.itz.quint.lee, or show-low for short), in the non-sporting group. It's a large breed of Mexican hairless, dark gray in color. The name is what fascinated me.

Mid-afternoon, I mixed a meatloaf for the oven, and Hubbie peeled potatoes for mashed potatoes.

An arts council visual arts committee meeting was scheduled for 5 p.m., but I still wasn't up to leaving the house. Tried to call the director, but couldn't reach her.

Supper was ready at 5 p.m., and Hubbie took a helping of it to Mother. At 6 p.m., we turned the TV off, and I organized scrapbook materials for our meeting tomorrow afternoon, while Hubbie started his new John Grisham novel.

Back to TV, we watched the news, Wheel of Fortune, and a one-hour show from the DVR, while our favorite college basketball team's game recorded. Our team played to another disappointing loss in a road game. While they have won all of their home games, they have yet to win one on the road.