Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday, Feb. 18

Today is Granddaughter's birthday. Happy Birthday, Granddaughter!

Wow! Three granddaughters have recently become engaged. Wonder if we're going to have a summer full of weddings this year?

Slept late this morning, until 8 a.m. After breakfast, I went to Mother's house to help her take a shower, and then throw a load of laundry in the washer. I also fixed a package of Ramen noodle soup for her lunch.

Back home, I changed clothes and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises. Once I was ready for the day, I decided it was time to take down the snow village and get the spring/summer birdhouses, plants, etc., back up there.

To give Mother something to do, I took the evergreen trees and the folded boxes I use with the village over to her house, so she could get them ready for storage. The boxes, which are children's blocks fashioned like bricks, have to be unfolded so they will lay flat in a tote. The branches of the trees have to be squeezed together to make them small enough to fit in a medium-sized plastic tote.

Mother was excited to have this small job to do. I try to find "busy work" like this for her, so she can feel useful. We could have done these things much more quickly on our own, but it was worth the trouble of taking the stuff to her just to see the obvious pleasure it gave her.

At home, after I'd arranged things on the mantel, I started a pot of chicken cooking. The recipe I'm planning for Suncay lunch calls for cooked chicken. While the chicken cooked, we watched a disaster movie on the SyFy channel...the 2006 "Earthstorm," starring Stephen Baldwin. A massive astroid strikes the moon, causing a huge crack. The earth is in imminent danger of being destroyed by storms and ocean waves. Baldwin to the rescue.

Later, Hubbie decided we needed to go to the WDCS for a few things. Since that store was our only stop, it wasn't long before we were back home.

For supper, we had split pea soup, with sandwich choices. Hubbie chose ham and cheese, and I opted for peanut butter and orange marmalade jelly. More TV afterward, including watching our favorite college basketball team, as they played to a very disappointing wide-margin loss on their home court.