Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday, March 3

Up around 7 a.m. this morning, but skipped my exercises in anticipation of going to the Extension Homemakers yard sale at the fairgrounds. This is a large sale that is one of the major fundraisers for the organization.

When Sis arrived, she, Mother, and I went to the sale. Fortunately, we were able to find a parking space close to the entrance, which made it easier to use the wheelchair.

Mother enjoyed the opportunity to visit old friends who had booths at the sale. One of the ladies, upon learning of Mother's birthday, called me aside later to give me one of her hand embroidered birthday cards as a gift to Mother.

Each of us bought items at the sale. I bought homemade jellies and syrups (raspberry and blackberry), and a couple of books (one being "Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul"); Mother bought homemade fruited breads (peach, blueberry, strawberry); and Sis bought jellies (mango and pineapple), a bar of homemade soap, and a collapsible steamer.

Before we left, I bought four take-out orders of chili made by one of the Extension Homemakers clubs.

Back home, we had the chili with choices of American cheese and sour cream. Sometimes chilies and soups cooked in large quantities aren't very good, but this one was pretty tasty. For dessert, there was a choice of friendship cake or apple cake.

After lunch, Mother and Sis watched, "The Old Curiosity Shop," on DVR, while I did various things...baking a lemon cake for Mother's party tomorrow, doing some laundry, dusting, etc.

Following the movie, Sis and I ran a couple of the beauty shop, where Sis bought a gift certificate for Mother's birthday, and to the grocery store to pick up a couple of kinds of soft drinks.

Back home, I put barbecue, sauce, and baked beans in the oven for our supper. Mother made a recipe of dressing for slaw. We had the barbecue sandwiches with the beans and helpings of potato salad. Mother opted for a hot dog, instead of barbecue, though. Hot dogs are her second favorite food...fried catfish is her first.

After supper, Hubbie and I watched our favorite college basketball team as they played to a very disappointing wide-margin loss. I'd recorded the movie earlier on DVR.

Mother and Sis went home as soon as I started the game. On their way out the door, they...and we...were surprised that Daughter and two great-grandchildren were there. I knew that Great-Granddaughter had a cheerleader event this afternoon which Daughter attended, so I wasn't expecting them tonight. But I'm glad they're here.