Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday, March 25

Slept late again this morning, and skipped my exercises. Mother and Sis came over after breakfast. Sis commented that she and Mother had a unique experience this morning. They saw a roadrunner cross Mother's yard and sprint across the highway to the field on the other side.

Roadrunners are common to our state, but are rarely seen. It's said that they arrived around the same time as the popular cartoon about the fictionalized bird was created, around 1948. Of course, the real ones don't go beep-beep! But they do scoot right along, maybe in fear of being caught by a real-life counterpart of Wile E. Coyote.

Sis didn't linger long this morning, since she was ready to get on the road to her home. She left around 9 a.m.

I decided lunch would be easy today...rotisserie chicken from the deli, baked potatoes, and cream style corn. Before lunch, Mother chopped onions and carrots, while i gathered ingredients to make Dragon Soup. We didn't have enough carrots, however, so Hubbie went to the store to get more, plus a list of other groceries.

He returned just before noon. The potatoes were not yet ready, so it was around 12:30 before I put lunch on the table. Afterward, Mother chopped more carrots, and I finished the soup. The soup is for tomorrow night's supper. Because Mondays are so busy for me, I have to see that we have something prepared for supper that is easy for Hubbie to just heat on the stove or in the oven.

Tomorrow will be particularly busy, since I will go to water aerobics in the morning, and then Mother and I will go to the Red Hot Luncheon at the college at 11 a.m., and then I will finish the day with a tutoring session from 2:30 to 4:30.

Lunch was very satisfying today. Afterward, Mother broke apart and boxed the five jigsaw puzzles she and Sis worked these past few days. Then I accompanied her to her house.

Back home, I grabbed my camera and went out to snap photos of the dogwood tree, which is in full white bloom right now. Later I uploaded a few of them to my social network page. Speaking of dogwood, as I was driving to the clinic for a blood test last Friday morning, I noticed a dogwood tree in someone's yard that is white on one side and pink on the other.

Hubbie continued watching March Madness basketball games through the afternoon, while I did this and that, including reviewing the lesson plan for my ESL student tomorrow.

Later, Hubbie and I had a supper of hoagie sandwiches. Afterward, I went to Mother's house to help her take a shower, and then throw a load of clothes in the washer.

Spent the rest of the evening watching TV, including a 2010 movie called, "Endure." A woman is bound, gagged, kidnapped, and taken into the woods, where she is shackled to a tree. The kidnapper then snaps a Polaroid picture of her, and drives away. A deer runs in front of the kidnapper's car, and he is killed. The photo is found in the wreckage. A detective must find the woman before it is too late.