Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday, June 23

Slept late this morning, until nearly 8:30. After breakfast, I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises. While I was doing this, Sis accompanied Mother to our house.

We visited until nearly lunchtime, so I never did get out of my exercise clothes before it was time get lunch ready. Mother and Sis were plenty ready to eat by that time, since they'd had breakfast much earlier.

Mother had Ramen Noodle soup. I fixed a bacon and tomato sandwich on a toasted bun for Hubbie, and Sis finished the leftover barbecue. I settled for just a slice of Sis's homemade bread with margarine. We each chose different desserts...watermelon, cake, cookies.

After lunch, Sis and I accompanied Mother to her house, where we sorted the clothing in her closet. We worked two hours and discarded a huge trash bag of things she can no longer wear. Sis and I found a few items, like shirts and denim jackets, that we can use.

Around 3 p.m., we returned to my house, where Mother gave Sis and me a bit of a scare, when she tried to step up into the house and her legs sort of gave way. Fortunately, I was right behind her and was able to catch her. We now know we must always be right behind her when she tries to step up anywhere.

Once we were inside, I insisted she have a nap on the couch. Usually, she resists when I suggest this, but today, she didn't. One of her problems is that she gets up every morning around 4:30 a.m. Another problem is that she stays dehydrated. I'm forever urging her to drink water.

While I spent the rest of the afternoon goofing off, Hubbie installed a window air conditioner in the sunroom. Sis helped with this project.

Later, we heated leftovers from Mother's and Sis's supper last night...salmon loaf, sweet potatoes, and sides of green beans and English peas, along with slices of Sis's homemade bread. Mother woke up from her nap just in time for supper.

After that, Hubbie went out to work in the yard, Sis nodded off to sleep, and Mother and I watched TV. Later, we all watched TV until time for Mother and Sis to go to Molther's house.