Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday, June 19

Slept late this morning, until around 8 a.m. After breakfast, I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises. Then I called the ladies of the scrapbook club to confirm our plans to travel to another town on Thursday to shop and have lunch. Both ladies agreed that we should make the trip.

Around 10 a.m., the pest control guy came to treat Mother's house for bugs that neither her house nor ours has, before now, ever encountered in the 30 years we've lived here.

While he was here, he treated our house for ants. On Thursday, he'll treat our house for fleas. We chose Thursday, because it's necessary that we vacate the house for four hours after the treatment, and Mother and I will be gone at least that long on our trip. Hubbie can stay outdoors, or relax at Mother's house.

The cats will be crated and stay in the garage for the duration. We don't have a lot of fleas, but even one is too many! Thanks to the warm winter, I'm afraid the flea population will increase, so we want to head off any problems. Even routinely treating the cats has not completely discouraged these pests.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 10:30, and at 11 a.m., we went to the beauty shop to meet haircut appointments. I took along a recipe for coffee can ice cream, and a few crafts ideas for my hairdresser, who had requested them last week.

Back home, we had lunch, and then Hubbie and I went to a town about fifteen minutes away to pick up the computer (I'd gotten a call this morning that it was ready).

We arrived just as the tech (not the usual one I deal with) was about to leave. He explained what he'd done...he had been convinced that the computer needed a new hard drive, but discovered when he checked it that the old hard drive has lots of room. What was needed was more RAM memory, which was what I suggested when I discussed my problems with the tech last week.

When we asked if he had checked the CD burner, he admitted he'd forgotten to. So he checked it while we waited. When he first tried to burn some of my photos to a CD, he succeeded. But when he tried to burn some to a DVD, he got the same error message I got when I used the burner. He agreed that the burner was corrupted, and that I needed a new one, which he installed.

We thought we'd be gone no more than an hour to get the computer, but it ended up being closer to two. Mother occupied herself with snapping beans and working on her jigsaw puzzle while we were gone.

Once I was back home, I seasoned the green beans with a can of beef broth, sodium-free seasoning, paprika, and pepper, and simmered them until they were tender. Mother sliced green tomatoes, which I dipped into egg substitute and coated with a mixture of cornmeal, flour, Parmesan cheese, oregano, and pepper, and then sauteed in olive oil. Hubbie peeled potatoes, which I boiled and mashed. I made a recipe of white gravy, and we had this meal with sides of coleslaw, sliced ripe tomatoes, and slices of cantaloupe.

Afterward, I accompanied Mother back to her house, and then Hubbie and I watched TV.


Funny: today, while I was searching for a birthday card from my supply, I noticed a bag from the WDCS on the dresser. Phooey, it was a gift I'd gotten for Hubbie for his birthday, but had forgotten to give to him. So before Mother and I left for the beauty shop, I poked my head into the sunroom and handed him the gift (a mustache trimmer that he'd admired a few weeks ago). I didn't know the pest control guy was there, too, so we all got a good laugh.