Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday, July 13

Another Friday the 13th, the third this year, and strangly, the dates occurred thirteen weeks apart, in January, April, and July.

Up at 6:30 this morning to get ready to go to water aerobics. It was a mild, overcast day, pleasant for the walk to the gym. The water was a bit cool, though. Looked like water had been added, which always makes it cooler.

We had a good crowd today...about 19. At least four of them are new, and today, two Spanish ladies were there to lap swim. They didn't stay for aerobics, though. I think they are mother and daughter, and the daughter said she is pregnant.

Back home, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, while I got ready for the day. We didn't accomplish much for the rest of the morning. After lunch, Mother retired to the couch for a nap, while Hubbie and I shopped for groceries, as well as doing other errands.

At home, I started the pan of green beans simmering, and then we relaxed for a while. I was in no hurry to do anything, since the arts council director called this morning and gave Hubbie the message that we would not need to attend the second friday event at the gallery tonight after all, since all the bases are covered.

Seems the director of the community theater play has engaged several youth from a local church to take care of everything. That's fine with us. We only volunteered, because we didn't want to leave the director in the lurch, since she wants to be away to attend her grandson's second birthday party.

Later, I made a batch of macaroni and cheese to go with our supper of a choice of egg salad or tuna salad sandwiches, and sliced tomatoes. Watermelon for dessert.

Afterward, I accompanied Mother back to her house, where she showered on her own, while I waited in the living room. Wednesday night, she asked if I thought she could now do this on her own, and I agreed that she could, though I wanted to be close by in case she needed me.

When she had finished, Hubbie came over and replaced a bad light switch, because when we'd flipped it on Wednesday evening, it had crackled and sparked. We advised Mother to leave the switch off until it could be replaced. There was no danger from it, but she had trouble sleeping last night for worrying about it. Son has decided to come the first weekend in August to replace all the switches and check the breaker box, etc., just to make sure everything is in proper working order.

At home, Hubbie and I watched a Hallmark Movie Channel 2002 feature called, "Recipe for Murder." The goddaughter of a medical examiner dies in an auto accident, attributed to the woman falling asleep at the wheel. But the medical examiner suspects murder.