Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thursday, August 23

Up at 6:30 to get ready to go to another town to shop and have lunch with Hubbie's family. We headed out around 8:30, and arrived near 10 a.m.

The first store we stopped at, of course, was a hobby shop, where I used a gift card and 40% off coupons printed from the store's website to buy pink and blue cardstock, a punch, a couple of rubber stamps, and a box of glue squares.

From there, we went to a department store, where I bought two pairs of casual slacks in brown and khaki for the fall, and Hubbie bought a pair of khaki's for himself.

Made a tour through the mall after that, but found nothing I wanted.

After that, we met Hubbie's two sisters, and his son-in-law, for lunch at an Italian restaurant. Three of us ordered endless soup, salad, and breadsticks, one of Hubbie's sisters ordered a pasta dish, and I ordered a grilled chicken panini, with chicken dumpling soup. The salad and breadsticks at this restaurant are particularly wonderful, so we kept the waiter hopping bringing us more.

The waiter was very nice, too, to bring a bag of extra breadsticks for me to bring home for Mother and Sis to enjoy with their chicken noodle soup supper.

From the restaurant, we went to a warehouse store to pick up bulk food and paper goods, including some things Sis asked for. Leaving this store, I decided I needed some water, but while Hubbke had brought along bottled water, he didn't put it in an ice chest, so it was hotter than bath water.

We stopped by his daughter's house and got a couple of styrofoam cups of ice and water. Daughter wasn't home, but Son-in-Law was. We only stayed a few minutes, and then headed home.

We were back around 5 p.m., just before Sis and Mother were ready to have supper. I skipped supper, since I was still full from lunch.

After supper, we played several games of Skipbo. Sis and I each won two games, and Mother won one.