Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday, August 22

Up around 8 a.m. this morning. After breakfast, Hubbie and I rode our bikes for exercise and pleasure. It was warm, but not too warm for a ride.

Sis and Mother came over mid-morning, and Mother diced veggies for making chicken noodle soup later, while I got ready for the day.

I didn't accomplish much of anything else before lunch, besides throwing one load of laundry in the washer. But as Sis pointed out, we are retired and not on the clock anymore, so we shouldn't worry about accomplishing things.

After a sandwich lunch, Mother headed to the couch for a nap, Hubbie ran a couple of errands, and Sis and I watched a marathon of "Matlock" mysteries.

Around 2 p.m., I started the pot of chicken simmering. At 4 p.m., I decided to add a couple of cans of low-sodium chicken broth to the pot, but instead grabbed a can of beef broth and a can of chicken broth. I'd poured about a third of the beef broth in the pot before I discovered my mistake.

One boo-boo wasn't enough, though, so when I was ready to add noodles to the broth, I let the package slip out of my hand, spilling a cup or so of noodles on the floor. Fortunately, it was a big package, so there was plenty left for the pot.

I wasn't sure what the soup would taste like with beef broth in it, but it turned out fine. Served it with slices of homemade honey wheat bread that Sis brought with her yesterday.

Later, we played several games of Skipbo, with Sis winning two games, and Mother and I each winning one. Zilch for Hubbie this time.

After that, Sis accompanied Mother home, and Hubbie and I finished the evening watching TV.