Saturday, November 24, 2012

Saturday, Nov. 24

Up around 7:30, and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Around 9:30, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, while I got ready for the day.

We spent most of the day today decorating for Christmas. Since the cats spend a lot of time in the sunroom, we decided to put both trees in the living room. This required moving some things out of that room, like a four-drawer wicker storage unit, and a card table and chairs, so one of the trees could be set up in that corner; and a decorative storage box of DVDs in front of the window, so the other tree could go there.

Finding places to store those items, plus wall hangings, and bringing in the large tree, took up most of the morning. While we did this, Mother watched the animated features, "Frosty the Snowman," and "Frosty Returns."

After lunch, she retired to the couch, but didn't get much rest, since Hubbie and I were in the living room decorating the tree in front of the window.

I don't think she would have rested anyway, since she mentioned she had a headache. I gave her a couple of Tylonol capsules. In a little while, she said her headache had eased, so she got up. But it wasn't long before her head was drooping again, so around 3 p.m., I urged her to go back to the couch, which she did. This time she was able to nap for an hour and a half, and was ready for supper at 5 p.m.

Supper was ham salad on buns, and baked sweet potatoes. Mother was ready to go home afterward, so Hubbie accompanied her.

Hubbie and I skipped watching TV tonight, in favor of decorating the large tree. By 9 p.m., we had it mostly done. But I was pooped by this time, and ready to leave the rest of the decorating until tomorrow.


Funny: we couldn't locate Mother's eyeglasses this afternoon. Hubbie was sure he had handed them to her to put in her coat pocket this morning before he accompanied her to our house, but they weren't there.

After searching high and low at our house and hers, as well as anywhere we remotely thought they'd be, like the van, the toy box (in case the kids had secreted them there on Thursday), and even in the garage, we were sure they were lost and gone forever.

"We're going to have to staple those things to your forehead," I teased, since she frequently misplaces them.

But as I was walking toward the bathroom, I passed a three-basket wicker stand in the hallway, and the light bulb went off...I remembered I'd put them in the top basket, out of sight of the little ones on Thursday. My bad.

We all had a good laugh at my expense. But now we're wondering how Mother's partially-used tube of toothpaste got in the van.