Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday, Dec. 5

Up around 8 a.m., and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 10 a.m., and the three of us got the big Christmas tree un-decorated. Mother helped by taking hooks off the ornaments. There are hundreds of ornaments for that tree, though, so it took all three of us to do the job.

After that, Hubbie finished the task of getting strands of lights off the tree, and taking the tree apart to store in its box. While he did that, Mother worked on her jigsaw puzzle, and I got ready for the day.

By this time, it was 11:30, so I put leftover breakfast casserole, and blueberry muffins, in the oven to heat for our lunch.

Mother continued her puzzle afterward, while Hubbie ran an errand to the grocery store to take the movie back, and pick up hamburger buns for supper, and I went upstairs to begin switching summer/fall clothes for winter clothes. I'm a long time getting to that task, but the weather has been so crazy...first warm, then cold...that I wasn't inspired to do it until now.

Part of the job was to ruthlessly discard items I no longer wear, but was hanging onto "just in case." I filled three large bags with discards, and I'm not done yet. But I've made a huge dent in it, and I hope to finish up tomorrow. My closet is looking so much less crammed and jammed, now.

Later, we had a supper of cheeseburgers and chips. Actually, I'd meant to have turkey burgers, and had thawed what I thought was three of them. But I discovered that they were beef burgers, instead, and there were only two of them. I made haste to look for some more, and found two in the freezer. Now I had two thawed ones and two frozen ones, but into the pan they went, and fortunately, they cooked in just about the same time. Just another instance of "I should be banned from the kitchen," I guess.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house afterward, and then I turned the TV off, so we could spend an hour and a half reading. At 8 p.m., Hubbie popped us a couple of big pans of popcorn, and we settled in to watch our favorite college basketball team, as they played to a wide-margin win.

Note: in reading my high school alma mater's newsletter this month, I noticed that the students have named the science lab's skeleton "Num Skull." When I was in high school, we named the skeleton "Seymore (see more)." I'd be interested to know all the names the skeletons have had in the fifty years since I was there.