Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday, Jan. 6

Up around 8 a.m., but skipped my exercises, as I usually do on Sundays. Since we planned to go out for lunch, I went ahead and got ready for the day. In the meantime, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house.

We had planned to use a certificate I won at the art council's silent auction to go to a buffet restuarant on the south side of town, but when Hubbie checked the certificate, he found it had expired on Dec. 31. Phooey! We should have recorded the expiration date on the calendar.

So instead, we used a gift card I received as a Christmas gift from the home medical services to go to a steak house. We got there around 11:30, just in time to be seated before the after-church rush.

Mother opted for baked salmon, with a baked sweet potato seasoned with butter, cinnamon, and brown sugar; Hubbie chose fried catfish, with French fries; and I got the pineapple chicken, and a baked potato.

Naturally, Mother couldn't eat all of her large portion, so we brought the rest home for her to enjoy for lunch (or lunches).

At home again, Mother worked on her jigsaw puzzle, while Hubbie and I read our novels. We both finished our books today, and he started a new one. Since he's using my e-reader, I'll need to choose another print book.

Got a call today from a man who was one of my professors at college. He and I served on the community theater board for several years. He is retired now, and has written a readers' theater play about our town's involvement in the Civil War, which will be presented in February as part of the Sesquicentennial commemoration events of that war.

He wants me to act as the publicity person for the play, and I've agreed. Hope I don't regret it. We have a date to meet for coffee on Friday, at which time I'll interview him.

Spent the rest of the afternoon vegging and reading, including the Sunday newspaper, and doing several loads of laundry. Mother was ready to go home around 4 p.m., and since Hubbie was upstairs at the office computer, I accompanied her to her house.

Then Hubbie and I watched TV for the evening, including Hubbie's college alma mater football team as they played in a bowl game. The game began at 8 p.m., and ran very late...until after 11 p.m., with our team winning.

I hope our friends from that college town enjoyed their trip to the state where the game was held. The wife is the one who visits our other friend in our town, so we get together every few months. Her husband is the retired editor of that town's newspaper.