Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday, Jan. 13

Slept late this morning, until 8 a.m., and skipped my exercises after breakfast, as usual on Sunday. Just went ahead and got dressed, and when Hubbie had accompanied Mother to our house, we prepared a pork roast for the slow cooker.

Spent the rest of the morning doing the usual Sunday things, like a couple of loads of laundry, and programming the DVR for this week's movies and shows.

The roast, with potatoes, carrots, and onions, gravy, and individual cups of applesauce, was really good. Afterward, Mother worked on her jigsaw puzzle, while Hubbie and I went to the movie theater for a matinee showing of "Les Miserable."

I was really surprised to learn that the movie was at our theater. When I checked a week or so ago, "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" was listed on two screen.

"Les Miz" was really wonderful, and I enjoyed it so much. I'm a devoted fan of musical movies. Hubbie is not a real fan of musicals, but I think he liked this one fine. Only about ten people were in the theater, which was fine with me in this flu season. We sat as far away from everybody as possible.

Movie time was at 1:45, and lasted until around 4:30. We didn't get back home until 5 p.m., because after the movie, we ran a couple of a pharmacy store for personal items on sale, for which we had coupons, and to a grocery/pharmacy to pick up a prescription for mother.

At home, I heated chicken noodle soup for supper, served with crackers and a choice of peanut butter or cheese, and angel food cake with strawberries for dessert.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house afterward, and then he and I settled in to watch TV.