Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday, Jan. 20

Today is Sis's birthday. Happy Birthday, Sis.

Slept late, until after 8 a.m. Skipped my exercises, as I usually do on Sundays. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and she clipped coupons for Granddaughter, while Hubbie put color in my hair, in anticipation of a haircut appointment Tuesday afternoon.

A little while later, I went upstairs to get ready for the day. While I did that, Mother julienned veggies for a stirfy.

Spent the rest of the morning doing the usual Sunday things...laundry, reading the Sunday newspaper, programming the DVR, etc. Around 11 a.m., I began lunch preparations. By noon, the stirfry and rice were ready. It wasn't a traditional Sunday meal, but we enjoyed it.

Afterward, Mother and I returned to the kitchen...this time to prepare 11-bean soup for the "Souper Saturday" fundraiser on behalf of the arts council. Mother diced veggies, and cubed the ham, and I put the two pots of soup together and set them to simmering.

Afterward, Mother worked on a jigsaw puzzle. She abandoned the one she started yesterday, because the pieces were too small, and the outdoor scene was too difficult. I suggested that rather than frustrating herself on it, she give it up and start a new one. I found a couple of more puzzles that are among her favorites.

Hubbie and I whiled the afternoon away in our own pursuits. I chose to play with my new e-reader/tablet, which included reading a John Grisham novel on it.

Around 4 p.m., Mother was ready to go home, and Hubbie accompanied her. Hubbie and I spent the rest of the afternoon reading. We were ready for a light supper by 6:30, and opted for bowls of cereal, and toasted thin bagels.

I was to have nothing to eat after 8 p.m., since I'm scheduled to complete my tests at the cardiologist clinic tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. I hope they don't keep me waiting around too long. I don't want to get uncomfortably hungry before I get something to eat, like I did last Tuesday.

Later, Hubbie and I watched a movie we borrowed from the library..."A Certain Justice," a 1998 British mystery from the Public Television channel.