Saturday, August 17, 2013

Saturday, Aug. 17

Up at 7:30. After breakfast, Hubbie and I went for a bike ride. What a perfect day for temp, low humidity. I can't remember another August like this. Normally, it's so hot and humid that it's hard to breathe outdoors.

We paid particular attention to a pond as we rode by, noting the algae (pond scum) growing around the edge. We observed it with a little more respect after attending a Master Gardener lecture on algae Thursday night. Down the rode, a herd of cows in a pasture stood in rapt attention as we rode by. I guess we were their entertainment for the morning.

The wildflowers growing in ditches and along fences are trumpet flowers, morning glory, periwinkle, and yellow flowers on tall stalks that I can't identify.

Back home, I got ready for the day, while Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. She went to work on her jigsaw puzzle.

Later, after lunch, Hubbie and I ran the library, to the grocery store to get this week's free item, along with a few other grocery items, and to the WDCS. This week's free item was a can of energy drink. Not something we'll use, so we'll pass it along.

Wow, was the WDCS crowded...adults and kids shopping for lunch makings and other last-minute items needed for school, which begins Monday.

At home again, I decided to make a recipe of cream of mushroom soup, because I needed to use some fresh mushrooms in the fridge. The soup turned out really good. I used fat-free half-and-half in it that I picked up at the WDCS today.

After that, I started a pan of macaroni cooking to be used for macaroni and cheese. Had the mac and cheese with more of the burritos we made last night, and a side of coleslaw.

Hubbie accompanied Mother home afterward, and then he and I watched TV, including a 2005 movie called, "An Unfinished Life," starring Robert Redford, Jennifer Lopez, and Morgan Freeman. This PG-13 drama is about a woman who is forced to run from an abusive man to her father-in-law's home for refuge. She takes her daughter with her. The father-in-law has never forgiven her for the death of his son in a car accident, in which she was the driver. Will they be able to heal old wounds for the sake of the child? Good movie.