Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, Sept. 23

Up at 8 a.m., and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and then he put color in my hair in anticipation of a beauty shop appointment tomorrow.

While I waited for the hair color to activate, Mother and I watched last week's episode of "Dancing with the Stars." I had to stop the show after 25 minutes, though, so I could go upstairs hit the shower.

Once I was ready for the day, Mother and I resumed the show, which lasted until noon. After lunch...Ramen noodle soup for Grandma, and pork chop sandwiches for Hubbie and me...I gathered ingredients for making pimento cheese. Mother insisted on doing most of the work...shredding the cheese, and mixing cream cheese and pimentos into it.

I waited until she'd finished the project before Hubbie and I ran errands. While we were gone, Mother went to her puzzle.

Our first stop was the bank, followed by the library (to return "One Tree Hill" DVDs, and pick up a two more seasons of the show. There are nine seasons altogether. Found a free paperback novel in a bookcase, too. This is a space where the library puts discarded books, or folks bring books and magazines they want to give away. The book I chose is an easy-read mystery.

The paint store was next. I thought we could get and out of there pretty quickly, but there were several guys ahead of us, all waiting for cans of paint to be mixed. I forgot that this was the last day of the store's 40% off sale, so everybody was doing the same thing we were.

I wanted to stop by the pharmacy store for a couple of things that I had coupon for, but Hubbie had forgotten to bring a coupon that offered 5,000 points for a $20 purchase. So we returned home to get it. Problem was, the coupon expired yesterday. So we went back to the store, picked up the items, and returned home again, because it was time to start thinking about supper.

Mother wanted to help with supper, of course, so she diced bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms to be sauteed for bagel pizzas. Then she fixed salads for each of us.

The pizzas were good. Afterward, Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house, and then he and I watched episodes of "One Tree Hill."