Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday, Dec. 6

It began sleeting last night about an hour after we returned from the basketball game, and was still sleeting when I got up this morning around 8:30.

Hubbie had been up since 7:30, but I guess he thought I needed that extra hour of rest. After breakfast, he accompanied Mother to our house. I was surprised she wanted to come over, since it was so cold outside. But the walkway was not slick, so she didn't want to stay home.

Once I was dressed, I grabbed my camera and took several shots of the wintry day through the windows. I was in no mood to go out in it, since I'm still nursing a persistent cough.

Spent the rest of the morning watching "The Sound of Music," starring Carrie Underwood. It was a passable performance, though not up to the standard of the Julie Andrews version. Still, we enjoyed it. I'm a nut for musicals, anyway.

After lunch, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, and Hubbie and I finished decorating for Christmas. I think it's all accomplished, at last.

Relaxed after that with the newspapers and my laptop until time to prepare supper.  I decided that blueberry muffins would be good with the potato soup we made yesterday, so Mother helped make a couple dozen of them. She mixed the ingredients as I read them to her, and then she painstakingly spooned the batter into the muffin tins. This procedure took quite a while, but I finally got the muffins into the oven close to 5 p.m., and we were ready to sit down to supper by 5:30.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to her house afterward, and then we wasted the evening watching TV, including a Lifetime Movie Network feature called, "Ring of Fire," a new version of the Johnny Cash/June Carter Cash story.


Note one: yesterday, we were unable to find our black cat with the injured hip. By nighttime, we were convinced she had slipped out as Hubbie went out or came in the sunroom door. But later today, she came wandering out from under the hot tub. We don't know why she holed up there for so many hours.

We don't know where she's holed up tonight, because once again we can't locate her. But we do know she's in the house somewhere, since we didn't let out into the sunroom after we found her today.

Note two: despite predictions for ice that would cause widespread power outages, there was only sleet here, and though the groud is as white as though there had been a snowfall, the power stayed on.

Some parts of the state did experience power outages, though, and the town where Hubbie's sister lives is one of them. Folks there really didn't need another weather-related disaster, after a recent tornado that demolished several buildings in the small town.