Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday, May 2

Up around 7:00, so Hubbie could get ready to go to a Master Gardener committee meeting at 9 a.m. I postponed my exercises until after lunch today. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house shortly after breakfast, and we went to the kitchen to prepare food for tomorrow.

Mother diced the potatoes and eggs that I cooked yesterday, and then diced onions, bell pepper, celery, and dill pickles. Meantime, I put a ham in the oven, and boiled macaroni for salad.

By the time we had finished making the salads, it was 11 a.m. The ham was done, too, so I removed it from the oven to cool for slicing. The ham is for Sunday dinner.

After lunch...the regular soup for Mother, and cold meatloaf sandwiches for Hubbie and me, I washed four quarts of strawberries to be sliced and sugared for tomorrow. While Mother and Hubbie worked with the berries, I finally got around to exercising and getting dressed.

This afternoon, Hubbie and I ran a few the bank, to a grocery store to pick this week's free item (another carton of Greek yogurt, to be given to Nephew); and to the WDCS for last-minute grocery items.

Back home, I sliced the ham, and then relaxed until time to fix supper, which tonight was leftover sauteed potatoes, with fried eggs, ham, toast and jelly, coffee, and fresh orange and prunes for dessert.

Mother was ready to go home shortly afterward, so Hubbie accompanied her. Then he and I watched one-hour shows I'd recorded on DVR. Around 8:30, I went to Mother's house and forcibly put drops in her eyes.