Saturday, January 26, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Hubbie and I celebrated a wedding anniversary this week. Special events for the day included visits from the plumber and the hot tub repairman. Also, our 13-year-old Shih Tzu dog entertained us by whining with a tummy ache. It took a couple of doses of Pepto Bismol, and several hours of worrying about her before she finally settled down.

We did manage to go out to eat, though, at a local steakhouse, where the wait staff came to our table and announced our anniversary to the restaurant's patrons, rang cow bells, and then presented us with an ice cream sundae, featuring two cherries on top and two spoons for sharing (decadently delicious).

It might not have been the most romantic of days, but it was pretty symbolic of a loving marriage...shouldering the bad times together, and savoring the good.


Ann crum said...

Happy Anniversary!! What's not romantic about cowbells and sundaes? LOL

Sixty Something said...

The cowbells and sundae were very romantic...the cranky plumbing, broken hot tub, and sick dog, not so much. lol