Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Palm Trees?

Last night was crisp and shivery cold. Soft, diffused moonlight filtered through a light, gauzy haze...another of nature's light show wonders to delight us as we traveled to the second session of our ballroom dancing classes.

At the edge of town, though, there is another light show...this one is to wonder about. On the parking lot, in front of one of the restaurants, stand two fake palm trees. In the daylight, these trees seem out of place enough, because, number one, palm trees do not grow naturally in the south (at least not in our corner of the south); number two, because one of the trees is green, and the other is yellow, and I don't remember ever seeing a live yellow palm tree; and number three, the trees are in front of a Chinese restaurant. And, as we discovered last night, the trees are covered, fronds to tree trunk, in blinking lights!

There are another couple of palm trees in front of the local pool and spa store, which seem better placed than the ones in front of the Chinese restaurant, although I'm still not crazy about them. But then, I'm not crazy about plastic pink flamingos, either. I think both palm trees and pink flamingos belong in Florida, or some other seashore area. My sis would probably disagree, though, since she says she's fond of pink flamingos.

As for me, I prefer magnolias and dogwoods. But as we say in the south...whatever melts your butter.


Ann crum said...

Yes, I do like pink flamingos! lol They add a whimsical touch to the flower garden, in my opinion, and are just cheezy enough to be funny. It's ok when others don't favor them, though. Everyone has different tastes! I probably wouldn't like the palm trees either.

Sixty Something said...

Different tastes are what make the world an interesting place, Sis.

And even if flamingos are not my favorite, I concede that they can occasionally serve a purpose. One year, our local high school held a unique fundraiser...students placed flocks of them in people's yards, and removed them only after the homeowners agreed to make donations(I'm sure they were careful about whose yards they "flamingoed," though). lol

Once, we saw them in a neighbor's yard accompanying a big banner boldly declaring the honoree's birtday (a man)...with one flamingo for each year of age. It was quite a flock!

So I guess, in different ways, we're all attracted to whimsy.

Sixty Something said...

O-o-oops. Well, that should read "honoree's birthday" instead of birtday. lol