Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ballet and Bible

Last night, we attended a ballet performed by a faith-ministry touring company. This is the fourth year that the troupe has visited our small town, and the house was packed, as usual.

This ensemble of professional dancers, in modest but effective costumes, illustrate Bible stories. Sometimes, as with last night's performance, they set the story in contemporary times. It's safe to say last night's audience was overwhelmingly Christian, but even for those who might not be, this was a strong and commanding performance that could be enjoyed not only for the message it sent, but for the artistry of the performers.

The event is an annual fundraiser for a local organization, and we expect our town will be on the company's touring calendar for next year.


Ann crum said...

When I came up there and saw them, they were performing the story of Ruth and Naomi. I wound up crying when they were depicting Ruth's grief over the loss of her husband. It's amazing how well they can bring out emotions through their dance ministry.

Sixty Something said...

This performance wasn't as emotional as Ruth and Naomi, but it was still powerfully done.