Monday, April 14, 2008

Family Day

Yesterday was family day. Sis and Niece arrived around noon, just in time to sit down to meatloaf, baked potatoes, green beans and garden salad.

Later, Hubbie's daughter and son-in-law dropped by. They'd been on a Sunday road trip to tour the flooded areas of the state, and arrived as we were getting ready to indulge in a mid-afternoon dessert of canned sliced peaches topped with warm-from-the-stove tapioca, served with warm-from-the-oven coffee cake. Daughter and Son-in-Law had eaten a late lunch at a Cajun restaurant and weren't hungry for dessert, they said.

But they joined us at the dining room table to chat. We kept the conversation upbeat, exchanging comical stories about ourselves and other family members. After a couple of months of weather disasters, illnesses, and deaths in the family, laughter was a welcome release from tensions.

After an hour or so, Daughter and Son-in-Law headed back home, but Sis and Niece stayed a while longer. Later, we had a supper of cold meatloaf sandwiches and steaming bowls of homemade vegetable soup.

Sis and Niece left around 7:30 p.m., and we settled in to watch TV and read the Sunday newspaper, the perfect end to a very pleasant day.

Note: part of the fun of the day was playing with Niece's little dog that we think is a cross between a Toy Manchester Terrier and a Chihuahua. She's energetic and playful, but not barky or snappy, and she loves everybody, including our Shih Tzu, who does not love her back. Shih Tzu preferred hiding behind the toilet to stay out of Manchester's way.

After Sis and Niece left, we discovered Niece had failed to take Manchester's favorite floppy duck toy and her leash, so we'll box those up and put them in the mail. Rare are the times when family members don't leave items behind after a visit. We still have a pair of sunglasses left by a grandson after the family gathered for Mother's birthday last month.


Ann crum said...

I really enjoyed Sunday's visit, and so did Daughter. Longer would have been better, but I'll take what I can get!

Sixty Something said...

Maybe soon you can come up for several days.