Saturday, April 12, 2008

Let's Tango

Yesterday evening, we arrived at ballroom dancing in time to take a Tango lesson from 6 to 7 p.m. Our instructor for this lesson is younger than our usual instructor, and enthuisastic to throw more complicated moves at us. Hubbie and I managed the first two parts of a Tango routine pretty well, but never quite got the third part. Fortunately, I have ballroom dancing instruction DVDs that we can review for practice.

Also, because there were more men than women at this lesson, we women were prevailed upon to change partners frequently so the men could practice. Hubbie was very uncomfortable doing this, since he was unsure of the dance moves. It was easier for me, because all I had to do was follow a guy's lead, and fake the steps I was unsure of.

According to, the story is that Tango began with the gauchos of Argentina, who went unbathed to crowded night clubs to dance with local girls. The stance of a lady in the crook of a man's right arm while holding her head back, or snapping her head from side to side, was so that she could turn her nose away from the offending odor. And because space was limited in the night clubs, couples danced in a curving fashion so that they could maneuver between tables.

Tango is fun, and the group got to practice it and other dance steps during the regular ballroom session from 7 to 9 p.m. We were asked to wear get us in the Tango mood, I suppose, and most of us complied. Low lights and red balloons helped set the mood, too.

This is a dance Hubbie and I will enjoy, I think, once we get more comfortable with it.