Thursday, August 28, 2008

Time to Push Back From the Table

At Cardiac Rehab, one of the other ladies was up five pounds in weight, which prompted the registered nurse to check her lungs and heart. The lady said she'd spent the weekend with her daughter, who, however well-intentioned, had served pizza for lunch and chicken spaghetti for supper. The lady thought both of these probably contained lots of salt, causing her to retain water. During her recumbent bike exercises, she got winded, and had to stop to recover. Rehab staff monitored her carefully for the rest of the session.

On a lighter note, one of the guys in the session mentioned that a local bank was having an open house today. It certainly wasn't well advertised, because I saw no mention of it in the local newspaper, or even on a banner or marquee in front of the bank. When I got home, Hubbie called the bank, and was told that, yes, they were holding an open house, and they hoped we'd come.

So, out of curiosity, we (Hubbie and I...Mother opted not to go) stopped by there around 11 a.m. There was one long table in the lobby with a cake announcing their level of assets achievement (the cause of the celebration), along with cheese, crackers, vegetables with dip, mixed nuts, a bowl of salty snack mix, and soft drinks. We registered for the cash door prize, sampled the refreshments, and then went on about our business.

Since I ate only a couple of squares of cheese and a few raw vegetables with a small amount of dip at the bank, we cut up fruit...apples, pears, peaches, grapes, and strawberries...after we got back home, and I indulged in a bowl full topped with walnuts to round out my light lunch. Tonight was weigh-in time at Weight Watchers, and I didn't want a full lunch meal to tip the scale. I was still up a couple of pounds at Cardiac Rehab today, so I knew I'd be that much or more at Weight Watchers, especially since I seem to weigh heavier in the evenings than in the mornings.

Hubbie worked in the yard this afternoon, while I met a 2 p.m. doctor's appointment for a routine checkup. Part of the checkup included blood work to monitor my liver function, among other things...this is a necessary test, because I'm taking a cholesterol-lowering drug.

The young woman who drew my blood is a former photography student of mine. She commented that the class she took from me was the best one she took in college that year, and what she learned has continued to bring her great joy, and even some monetary rewards. It's always gratifying to get positive comments from my students.

At 5 p.m., Mother and I went to Weight Watchers, and as expected, I am up two pounds from last month. I'll be watching my diet, until I drop those pounds.

After a supper of homemade split pea soup and PBJ sandwiches, Hubbie and I went to the farmer's market to pick up new potatoes to go with tomorrow night's salmon supper. From there, we stopped at a gas station for a fill-up, then went to the WDCS to pick up a couple of items, before finally stopping at a farm store for dog food.

We needed to get those errands accomplished this evening, because after water aerobics in the morning, we'll be traveling to a town a few hours east of us to pick up our camper. I'm glad the refrigerator is finally fixed, and we can bring the camper back, because I'd like to plan a September trip.