Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday and Monday

Yesterday, we traveled a couple of hours south to visit family at my son and daughter-in-law's house. What a family! Besides Son and Daughter-in-Law, a daughter, four grandchildren, three grandchildren-in-law, and eleven great-grandchildren, plus Mother, Hubbie, and I attended the gathering.

It was a gorgeous day for a picnic-style meal of rotisserie chicken (prepared by Daughter-in-Law), barbecued ribs and hot dogs (prepared by Son), and various sides...macaroni and cheese for the kids, plus a rice/tomato dish prepared by Daughter-in-Law, and carrot salad, kidney bean/cucumber salad, and couscous salad prepared by Mother and me. We also took along a combination peach/pear/apple crisp for dessert, and Daughter-in-Law baked a banana cake.

There were enough meat and side choices to satisfy adults with restricted diets, as well as foods that kids like. Those who were not on restricted diets sampled everything, while some of us stuck with rotisserie chicken and salads, and fruit crisp with fat-free topping.

After lunch, we sat in the yard and watched the kids play on the swing set and in the sand. Somehow, we adults managed to line up our lawn chairs theater style, one row behind the other, as if we were watching a performance. And it sort of was a performance, with the two older boys tossing hacky sack balls, two of the pre-schoolers blowing bubbles, toddlers pouring sand over each other's heads, babies under a year old bouncing in walkers, and several little girls piling into a wagon so the big boys could pull them around.

The babies started getting tired around 3 p.m., and folks were ready to break up the party, so we all gathered for photos, hugs, and kisses before heading home.

Today was water aerobics day, as usual, where we learned that the lap swimmers have requested to have their session a half-hour earlier, in order to give them more time to get ready for work. Therefore, the life guard asked that the water aerobics group also set our time a half hour earlier so that he won't have 30 minutes of idle time between groups. We agreed, since most of these older ladies are up before the roosters, anyway. I am not one of them, but I deferred to the group. Now I'll need to get up a half hour earlier each swim morning, which will certainly not suit my tastes in the winter.

The other piece of news is that one of the ladies (who is also a member of the Master Gardeners) fell as she was leaving the pool last Friday. She wasn't at the session this morning, so I need to check to find out if she was badly injured.

After lunch today, Hubbie and I ran the greeting card shop, where I looked for a "congratulations upon completing Army basic training" graduation card, but there were none. So I'll have to design one myself. We also picked up groceries for the week's menu at the WDCS. This store didn't have a couple of items we needed, so we backtracked to a grocery store for those, and then came on home.

Whenever we can't decide what to have for supper, we opt for spaghetti, which is what we did tonight. After that, we vegged in front of the TV.

Today was warm, in the mid-80s, but the rest of the week is predicted to be about ten degrees cooler. It's time for me to put away summer clothes and dig out some long sleeve "in-between" things.