Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tuesday and Wednesday

Started Tuesday with Cardiac Rehab, as usual, on my countdown to completing that program. Tuesday is education day, and although I wasn't obligated to listen in, I did anyway. The session was about medications, with warnings not to give anyone else our meds, or take meds prescribed for others (I wouldn't dream of doing a dangerous thing like that).

Some among us are struggling to pay for very expensive heart medications, so the nurse emphasized that there are programs that can either help with prescription payments, or that provide free medications to qualified applicants. She went online to check out one such program, which has also been advertised on television: "Partnership for Prescription Assistance," at Or folks can call 1-888-477-2669 for more information about patient eligibility.

I learned that I could send for a prescription card from Lipitor that can save me at least $15 each month toward my co-pay on that medication, so I went online at and signed up. In four to six weeks, I'll receive a card (like a credit card) to take to my pharmacy for the discount. Doctors' offices also have pamphlets with the information, which are usually on display in the exam rooms. The information says patients can get this discount up to 12 times a year. But the offer expires 12-31-08. I don't know if this means that the offer to sign up for the co-pay card expires on that date, but can be renewed in the new year, or if it just completely expires at that time.

Pfizer, the maker of Lipitor and other drugs, has a telephone number for those who are uninsured: 1-866-706-2400, where patient assistance information can be obtained. Patients can get savings on Pfizer meds, regardless of age or income, and there are free meds for people with limited incomes who qualify.

For a change, we didn't run errands after I got back from Cardiac Rehab yesterday. Instead, we did this-and-that around the house. One thing I did was make a congratulations card for Granddaughter, who is graduating from Army basic training on October 10. Then I selected photos I'd snapped last Sunday at the family gathering to use in making scrapbook pages at our next meeting in a couple of weeks. Beyond that, the rest of the day was occupied with household tasks.

Last night our evening's entertainment was two episodes of "Dancing with the Stars." We didn't watch this show for the first few years, because Hubbie didn't know how to dance and couldn't appreciate seeing others do it. Now that he's taken ballroom dancing lessons, he's enthusiastic about watching the show.

Today was water aerobics day and surprise, surprise, the water was warm! It felt wonderful, especially since it was a chilly morning for traveling to the pool, and the dressing room is always br-r-r.

I was excited this morning to receive my signed copy of a mystery/suspense novel, written by one of the water aerobics members, which was published recently by Amazon. Others who have read it have stated that it is a real page-turner, so I'm anxious to read it. Mine is a complimentary copy, in payment for portrait photos I did of the author for her promotional materials.

After I got home and dressed for the day, Hubbie and I ran the post office, to the bank, to the pharmacy, to the cable company office, and finally to the WDCS for incidentals and groceries. We wouldn't have to run errands together, except he has business at some places, and I have business at others, and in the interest of saving gasoline, we combine our trips.

Back home, Hubbie went out to prepare one of the raised gardens so that Mother can plant a second crop of lettuce, and maybe some fall beans. There are still banana peppers growing in one of the raised beds, and our volunteer "crop" of butternut squash (growing out of the compost heap) is coming along nicely, with a dozen or so squashes maturing on vines that are meandering out into the yard. We hope they ripen before first frost. Tonight for supper we are baking the one squash that has so far fully matured to go along with steamed new potatoes, boiled cabbage, and corn-on-the-cob.

This afternoon, I called our doctor's office to make appointments for the three of us to get flu shots tomorrow afternoon. It takes a couple of weeks for the shots to become effective, and I want us to be protected when we go to Branson at the end of the month, where we'll be in close group contact at shows.