Thursday, October 23, 2008

Greeting Cards

The photo above shows four greeting cards that Mother and I made. Actually, Mother made three of them...the happy face one, the dark blue one with block letters, and the "Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday" one. I made the other dark blue one using a strip of polka dot paper left over from Mother's project...I punched out the dots to make a different look. The sticker lettering is hard to see in the photo, but is fine seen close up.

As predicted, we did get rain last night, though if it stormed we slept through it. Our rain gauge shows two inches fell during the night. As today wore on the temperature dropped into the 50s.

We got up late this morning, and after breakfast I headed to the treadmill. We spent the rest of the morning in various household tasks. Because Mother and I were scheduled to get on the scale for our monthly weigh-in at Weight Watchers this evening, I settled for just a bowl of fresh fruit for lunch.

After lunch Hubbie and I ran errands. Since I had a 1 p.m. haircut appointment, Hubbie dropped me by the beauty shop while he went to the post office to mail birthday cards to Daughter-in-Law, and then to the pharmacy to pick up one of my medications.

Following my appointment, we stopped by the bank that sponsored a calendar photo contest to pick up my photos, one of which they scanned to use on their 2009 calendar. There was no information on the manila envelope to indicate which photo will be featured, though. I'd even forgotten what the theme for this year's calendar is until I picked up the's "Yard and Garden." I sent five close-up snapshots of Hubbie's flowers, and out of 600 entries one of mine was selected, though I guess it'll be sometime in November or early December before the calendars will be available so I can see which photo is featured.

From the bank, we went shopping at a competing discount store before going to the WDCS. There, besides getting grocery items, I also picked up snapshots at the one-hour service of a two-year-old child I photographed while at Octoberfest. His grandmother ordered prints from me, and I'll put them into the mail to her tomorrow. Lately, when I go to events to shoot for possible publication in our state newspaper, I also offer prints of kids to folks that I notice are attending without a camera in hand. People seem more than willing to pay a few bucks for these.

At 5 p.m., Mother and I faced the dreaded scale at Weight Watchers. I feared I'd gained a couple of pounds, but I actually stayed the same as last month. Mother did gain a pound and a half, but she had already weighed on her home scale and knew she was up. My home scale is broken. I need to purchase another one, because my weight has a tendency to creep slowly up if I don't diligently keep track of it.

Before we went to Weight Watchers, I made a batch of tapioca pudding, using skim milk, egg substitute and sugar substitute. Mother took a serving of it home with her after we got back from WW since she didn't plan to join us for a "week in review" supper. I baked a pan of low-calorie tube biscuits to go with leftover lasagna, beans, and California mix. The biscuits were very good with low-fat margarine and locally produced honey drizzled over them.

We'll have servings of tapioca for a snack later this evening.