Wednesday, October 22, 2008

To Catch a Kitten

As I traveled to the pool this morning, translucent fog lay low over the fields, and a misty sun peeked out from beneath clouds. Rain, perhaps turning to storms, is predicted for later tonight and tomorrow. A couple of days ago, a TV weatherman predicted we'd have rainy weather when he saw long vapor trails in the sky. Fair weather vapor trails are short, he said. He explained why this is so, but I don't remember what the explanation was.

Yowie! The water at the pool felt bracing today at 82 degrees. When the pool guy came to check it, he said the maintenance guys had shut the boiler off to clean the filters, and he guessed they had forgotten to turn it back on again. I wait until I get home to shower after swimming, but I'll bet the golden-age ladies who showered in the locker room today found the water shivery.

When I got home from the pool, Mother came over and put color in my hair. I'll be getting a haircut tomorrow, but Mother opted out, since the appointment is a week earlier in the month than usual. My hair grows very fast, and I need a trim so I won't look shaggy while we're at Branson next week. Mother said her hair hasn't grown much this month, so she wants to wait until next month's appointment.

This afternoon, Hubbie decided to bring the black kitten and the silver kitten indoors for a visit. But when the screen door slammed shut behind him, the black kitten got startled and clawed Hubbie's arm, drawing blood, as it leaped to the floor (black cat...Halloween?).

The chase was on after that, as we tried to catch the little critter. Like a bullet, the kitten shot under the couch, streaking away as soon as Hubbie reached for it, and then ran back and forth under the dining room table as Hubbie and I tried to grab it. Finally, it backed into a corner under the serving cart. As stealthily as a cat, I snuck up to the cart on hands and knees, slowly reached out and snatched the kitten by the scruff of it's neck. It instantly became calm as it settled into my arms. Moral? If you want to catch a cat, you have to become a cat.

While Hubbie was reading the local newspaper this afternoon, he called out, "My wife's picture is in the paper today!" It is the snapshot taken at the art gallery the other night, when I was prevailed upon to be in the picture before I could sneak out the door after the meeting. Two others, who also protested being photographed, are in the picture, too. I'm not particularly photogenic, but this picture is, thankfully, not awful. The three of us should remember that the photo is not about us, anyway, but about selling the pretty Christmas ornaments we're promoting.

Got a call from one of the community theater board members asking me if I would be free Friday afternoon to make a short welcome statement at a local college, prior to a children's play for kindergarten to third graders, performed by our state's arts council tell-a-tale troupe. I can't do it, since Mother and I will be attending the water aerobics luncheon on Friday at 11 a.m., and I would need to be at the theater by 11:30 a.m. to welcome the troupe, and then introduce them to the audience at 1 p.m., the time of the play. Later he called back to say he'd found another member who agreed to do it.

I'm glad this other member can take on the task. She and her mentally challenged son have participated in local community theater projects for years. She has starred in lots of our plays, and the son has been cast in the chorus of several shows. He has also served as theater usher many times. Even though he is about 20 years old now, he is still at the level of about eight years old, so he thoroughly enjoys staged children's productions. He'll be excited to see Friday's performance of "Rumplestiltskin."