Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday, April 7

After sleeping late this morning, I had a cold cereal breakfast...a combination of puffed rice and puffed corn, with banana and milk, and a slice of wheat toast, with strawberry preserves. Then I hopped on the treadmill.

We didn't get a hard freeze last night after all, so Hubbie went out and gathered up all the old bedsheets and tarps that he'd covered the shrubs and flowers with. I'm glad the meteorologists missed the mark, because I feared for the strawberry crop. I'm a fiend for our local strawberries, which will be ready to pick in the next couple of weeks. I just can't get my fill of the luscious fruit while they are in season.

Once I was ready for the day, I continued gathering last minute items for the camper, while Hubbie ran errands. Around 11 a.m., Mother and I met our haircut appointments, where my hairdresser said her husband had an adventure yesterday.

Her husband, a Drug and Task Force agent, was attempting to apprehend someone for parole violation, when the person jumped in his truck. As he fled, the agent tried to shoot the truck tires, but the truck spun out, spraying gravel at the agent, who in falling to the ground, broke his right wrist, either on the patrol car as he went down, or on the ground when he hit it.

Now, the agent will be unable to work for 12 weeks, and since he can't use his right hand, he needs a lot of help with everyday living activities. I'm sure this is going to be an interesting experience both for the agent and my hairdresser. Thank goodness, though, the situation isn't worse. I'd be on pins and needles all the time, if I had a husband who worked in law enforcement. This incident was the top story in our local newspaper tonight.

After lunch, Hubbie and I went to the WDCS for a few items. While I was there, I picked up a carton of jewel boxes for the photo CDs I've recorded. The stack of 100 CDs that I got at the wholesale store is economical and convenient, except for storage.

For the rest of the afternoon, we did this and that related to the trip. Supper was stirfry and rice, which was very tasty. There's enough left to have for supper tomorrow night, too. Later, Hubbie and I spent our quiet hour in separate pursuits....he reading a new novel, and I writing this blog.

After that, we watched "It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown," followed by last night's and tonight's episodes of "Dancing with the Stars."

We'll leave in the morning on our trip to Texas, although we are in no particular hurry, so we'll get up when we want to and leave at our leisure.