Sunday, April 5, 2009

We were up around 7:30 this morning, but I skipped my treadmill session. Most of the morning was spent in getting things ready for the trip.
Mother came over around 9 a.m. and put a pork roast with carrots and onions in the slow cooker. The roast was good with mashed potatoes and gravy, and individual cups of applesauce on the side. We wrapped the rest of the roast for the freezer to take with us on our trip.
After lunch, Mother and I went for a short stroll on a new walking path that runs along the creek. We didn't go very far, though, before discovering that a wooden bridge across a ditch has broken and collapsed. So we headed back to the car.
Before we could leave, a guy parked beside us backed his vehicle out, angling to the right...and down a sandy embankment. No matter how much he revved his motor, the back wheels on the vehicle spun but got no traction. So I backed our van up (straight back, not to the right, where the embankment is), after which the guy was able to turn his front wheels enough to get traction and climb out.
Since Mother wanted to walk a little more, we went over to the college walking path. It was a beautiful and sunny, though windy, afternoon for a stroll. I took the snapshots above while we were there. A Hispanic family were also on the path...a woman jogging while she listened to music, and her husband, who jogged while pushing a stroller with a toddler in it. I think we've met this family on the path before...last fall. They greeted us as though they remembered seeing us, too.
After we got back, Mother went home, and Hubbie and I occupied ourselves in various activities. I read the Sunday paper and programmed the DVR for the week's shows. Then I called Daughter for a chat. I also talked with Granddaughter, who said Great-Grandson is walking now, at 10 months old. She said he can also snap his fingers. I can't wait to see him do both.
I talked with my high school friend in Texas, too, to let her know we'll be seeing her in a few days. She's very excited about our visit.
I haven't been able to reach my other friend to let her know our plans. I've e-mailed, and called her and left messages, but she hasn't responded. Once when I called, I left a message with her husband, but got no response to that call, either. I'm getting worried about her. I hope she's not having problems.
This evening, Hubbie and I settled for deli turkey sandwiches for supper, with bowls of fresh fruit to follow. Then we watched TV, as usual.