Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday, May 11

The pool was, drat it, very chilly again this morning for water aerobics. There's only one more day of the session left before summer break. The date was moved back, because the maintenance crew want to drain the pool on Friday in preparation for cleaning and repairs.

So on Wednesday, after water aerobics, the members will meet at a local Italian restaurant for lunch, and then we won't get together again until June 15. Guess I'll be giving my treadmill a workout for several weeks.

After I got back home, Mother came over and put color in my hair. We'll go get haircuts tomorrow. Just as Mother was finishing up, a friend of hers stopped by unannounced. This lady lives in California, and from time-to-time she travels to our town to visit her daughter and other family. We never know when she's coming. She just takes her chances that we'll be home when she decides to drop by.

The visitor left before lunch. We heated the leftover Chinese soup, along with leftover biscuits and a couple of rolls we brought home from the restaurant yesterday for our meal. Afterwards, I prepared brown rice for the electric cooker. I fixed enough so there will be four cups left to make a Mexican casserole Thursday night.

While the rice was cooking, we went downtown to attend an event sponsored by the tourism council. The event included several booths promoting tourist sites in nearby counties and towns, as well as vendors selling handmade crafts. One crafter was spinning angora goat hair, from which she makes very soft rugs and wraps. I really liked the rugs, but they were a bit pricey for my budget. However, as labor intensive as they are to make, I don't doubt that they are worth every cent.

Another crafter was selling beautiful and colorful polished glass jewelry, and another had pine planters for sale. Others sold jellies, honey, and sorghum molasses. I bought a jar of cherry jelly.

A museum representative was making small corn husk dolls. We watched her long enough to learn how to do it, and I'm sure Mother will be wanting to try this craft soon. The dolls would make cute pins.

We registered for door prizes, and picked up activity books for great-grandkids, and watched the entertainment, which included a popular local guitarist, and troupes from the local dance studio , who performed ballet and tap dancing numbers.

Since we were downtown, we also visited a nearby flea market/antique mall, where Hubbie bought a small crystal bud vase for me, at a reasonable price.

We got back home around 5:30 p.m. The brown rice was done and being kept warm by the cooker. We stir-fried veggies, adding a sauce of chicken broth with a little soy sauce and cornstarch and no-salt seasoning and served it over the rice for supper.

Later, Hubbie and I watched a movie titled, "The Field," starring Richard Harris and Tom Berenger. This PG-13 movie is about a 1930s Irish man who is obsessed over a piece of land. Things heat up when the land is put up for auction by a widowed woman, and an American dares to outbid the obsessed man. It's gotten mixed reviews, but we thought it was good.

We watched a pretty good movie last night, too, called "Reservation Road," an R-rated film starring Jennifer Connelly, Susan Powell, John Rothman and John Slattery. The film revolves around a tragic incident, when a father stops at a service station, and his 10-year-old son gets too near the highway to let fireflies out of a jar and is struck and killed by a hit-and-run motorist.
The hit-and-run man's son, also 10 years old, is in the car with him, and bends down just as the accident happens and hits his head. He isn't badly injured, but he does not see that his father has hit the other boy. The father of the dead boy becomes obsessed with finding the hit-and-run guy, and the hit-and-run guy falls deeper and deeper into guilt. They eventually cross paths. It's a good movie, but emotional, of course. I'm not sure why it's rated "R." Maybe because of violence and one "word."