Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12

We got up late, so by the time I did a treadmill session and got ready for the day, it was time to take Mother to the clinic to have blood work done. Results from her test a couple of weeks ago indicated that she needed to drink more water and have blood work done again. Drinking water is a chore for Mother, whom we accuse of drinking only a thimble full at a time. But she forced herself to drink flavored water during these two weeks, and at her appointed hour of 10:45 this morning, we were at the clinic. The young woman who drew her blood was maybe inexperienced, because she wasn't very gentle and left Mother with a big bruise on her arm.

We were back home in time for lunch. I heated leftovers, while Mother finished her jigsaw puzzle, and we waited for Hubbie to get back from the barber shop. At 2 p.m., Mother and I met our appointments at the beauty shop.

After we got back home, Hubbie and I went to the WDCS for groceries and incidentals. Then I went to an arts council meeting at 5 p.m., and a community theater meeting at 7:30 p.m. So I stayed on the run all day.

I took five more boxes of jigsaw puzzles to the community theater meeting, to exchange for a stack from the lady at whose home we meet. I'm glad I put the puzzles she gave us into the car before the meeting started, because it began raining as we left afterwards.

During the meeting, we all laughed when the president read the list of board members whose terms will expire at the end of this month...which was everyone in the room except the president and the treasurer (the treasurer is the lady at whose home we meet). Without a doubt, the president will be begging us all to stay on board.

After I got home around 9:30 p.m. we watched the second episode of "Dancing with the Stars," so we could see who got kicked off. This week I was not surprised by who was eliminated, as I (along with the rest of the viewers) was last week.

Note one: Supper tonight was spaghetti, and green beans. We tried whole wheat spaghetti this time, which we found to be an unappetizing glop with sauce on it. We ate servings of it, but discarded what was left. We've used whole wheat macaroni several times and like it fine, but the spaghetti just won't do.

Note two: Got a call this morning from a radio station telling me that I'd won a pair of tickets to a festival in our capital city later this month. I'd registered for the tickets at the tourism council event Monday afternoon. Hubbie and I aren't interested in going to the festival, so I offered them to family. Later today, Daughter-in-Law was the first to call and ask for the tickets, so I'll send them to her and Son.