Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday, May 13

Yikes, the pool was cold this morning! We were told it was 81 degrees, but it felt more like 70. It's amazing what a difference a few degrees makes. I love 86 degrees, and am relatively comfortable at 84 degrees, but 81? No way. Br-r-r...too cold.

But those of us who showed up for this last day of water aerobics before summer break bravely soldiered through the session. I left a little early, so I could get home, shower and dress, and go meet the "water babes" group for lunch at a local Italian restaurant at 11 a.m. Mother went with me. She enjoys getting together with the group, and they enjoy her.

After our "spaghetti glop" supper last night, we weren't in the mood for Italian food, so we opted for deli turkey/cheese melts on hoagie buns. Mother had oven fries with hers, and I had a salad.

One of the ladies at our table commented that after she ate some locally grown strawberries, she broke out in a rash. So she's decided she's now allergic to strawberries. I dearly love strawberries, so I really, really hope I never develop and allergy to them!

From the lunch get-together, we dropped by the beauty shop to leave a small bag of homemade chocolate cookies, along with the recipe. The cookies are filled with nuts and dried fruits and are more diet-friendly than lots of other cookies (as long as a person sticks with the two-cookie serving size).

Then we went to the art gallery to see a traveling youth art exhibit, on loan from our capital city's art center. I am always absolutely enchanted by children's art, which is colorful, creative, and unrestrained. The pieces were done by artists ranging in age from kindergarten to 12th grade. The work of the older children was very, very good. There's a lot of talent in our state.

We came home for a while after that to re-group before going to the other discount store to buy large cans of peaches for $1 a can. One of the ladies at the luncheon commented that the peaches are really good. So we bought 12 cans...six for Mother, and six for Hubbie and me. Mother will try them tonight, and if she says they are as good as the lady claimed, we will go back and get more of them.

From there, we went to the WDCS, so Mother could shop. She only shops once or twice a month, and since today was sunny (YAY!) and warm, she decided it was a good time to go. We were back home about 3 p.m. Her doctor's office had called and left a message for her to call back. She did and learned that her blood test revealed that her kidney function is much better, but that she needs to drink more water. That will be a challenge for Mother.

Mother went home, and later Hubbie and I fixed a simple supper of BLT's, with fresh strawberries for dessert. Later, we went to the movie theater to see the new Star Trek film. We've been hearing positive reviews about it, and we weren't disappointed. The young men who play Captain Kirk and Spock in their early years are both charming and handsome. The characters are well developed, there's humor, and the special effects are great. Leonard Nimoy, as Spock 126 years later, even appeared in the movie, and as he would say...

live long and prosper.